2015-06-30 52 views

我有SQL Server 2008中票據歷史記錄的日誌表。這裏我只有日期時間和狀態字段。我需要計算狀態之間的總時間。計算SQL Server 2008中票據使用的總時間量

我在2015-06-19 15:50:44.000開了票一段時間後我把它正在進行在2015-06-22 11:15:15.000改爲工作。兩個時間戳值都將在相同的DateTime字段下。我想計算狀態更改之間的時間差。狀態將隨機更改。

ticket_number Date & Time   Problem Status 
16676  2015-06-19 15:50:14.000 Open 
16676  2015-06-19 15:50:14.000 Accepted 
16676  2015-06-19 15:50:44.000 Work in progress 
16676  2015-06-19 16:03:13.000 Pending Vendor 
16676  2015-06-22 06:32:31.000 Work in progress 
16676  2015-06-22 11:15:15.000 Pending Vendor 
16676  2015-06-23 10:15:15.000 Work in progress 
16676  2015-06-23 10:15:15.000 Closed 




編輯使問題更清楚。 –


請問哪個版本?從SQL Server 2012開始,您有這樣的查詢的'LAG'語句。 –




Select op.ticket_number 
     , datediff(minute, wip.timestamp, op.timestamp) as diff_minutes 
from yourTable op 
     inner join yourTable wip 
      on op.ticket_number = wip.ticket_number 
where wip.status = 'Work_in_progress' 
and op.status = 'Opened' 
order by op.ticket_number 

這將需要的地方的狀態被打開「OP」在表中的記錄集以及狀態爲「正在進行中」的數據的另一個子集稱爲「wip」。如果您將這些加入到票號中,您可以計算兩個相應時間戳之間的差異(以小時,天,秒等爲單位)。 如果你有兩個以上的狀態來處理這個問題會變得複雜一些,那麼其他方法可能會更合適。在這種情況下,請張貼一些示例數據和相關表格的模式。


**請注意:**從SQL Server 2012開始,您擁有**'LAG' **語句,但不進行自連接也是這樣:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us /library/hh231256.aspx –


的確,但問題的標題說明用戶正在使用MSSQL 2008,所以LAG不適合他。 –


標籤之後進行了編輯。 [* SQLPolice從未投票*] –



-- Create table for sample data 
Create table #tickets 
( ticket_number int 
, dateTime_status datetime 
, ProblemStatus nvarchar(50) 

-- Insert sample data into temp table 
Insert into #tickets 
Values (16676, '2015-06-19 15:50:14.000', 'Open') 
    , (16676, '2015-06-19 15:50:14.000', 'Accepted') 
    , (16676, '2015-06-19 15:50:44.000', 'Work in progress') 
    , (16676, '2015-06-19 16:03:13.000', 'Pending Vendor') 
    , (16676, '2015-06-22 06:32:31.000', 'Work in progress') 
    , (16676, '2015-06-22 11:15:15.000', 'Pending Vendor') 
    , (16676, '2015-06-23 10:15:15.000', 'Work in progress') 
    , (16676, '2015-06-23 10:15:15.000', 'Closed') 
    , (16677, '2015-06-19 15:50:14.000', 'Open') 
    , (16677, '2015-06-20 15:50:14.000', 'Accepted') 
    , (16677, '2015-06-20 15:50:44.000', 'Work in progress') 
    , (16677, '2015-06-20 16:03:13.000', 'Pending Vendor') 
    , (16677, '2015-06-23 06:32:31.000', 'Work in progress') 
    , (16677, '2015-06-23 11:15:15.000', 'Pending Vendor') 
    , (16677, '2015-06-24 10:15:15.000', 'Work in progress') 
    , (16677, '2015-06-25 10:15:15.000', 'Closed') 

-- Select time difference for status from and to per ticket 
-- Time difference is measured in minutes. Change the datepare to desired unit if required. 
Select  ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by a.ticket_number order by a.RowNum) 
     , a.ticket_number 
     , a.ProblemStatus as 'Status_from' 
     , b.ProblemStatus as 'Status_to' 
     , DATEDIFF(MINUTE,a.dateTime_status,b.dateTime_status) as 'Time_in_minutes' 
     -- Nested select to set subsequent events side by side. Add row numbers. 
     (Select  ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by ticket_number order by dateTime_status) as 'RowNum' 
       , ticket_number 
       , dateTime_status 
       , ProblemStatus 
     from #tickets) as A 

     -- Join first nested query on second one with same data, but join on b.rownum = a.rownum + 1 
     -- This puts the event in B next to the previous event in A 
     inner join (Select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by ticket_number order by dateTime_status) as 'RowNum' 
         , ticket_number 
         , dateTime_status 
         , ProblemStatus 
        from #tickets) as B 
      on a.ticket_number = b.ticket_number 
      and b.RowNum = a.RowNum + 1 
-- Exclude records where the beginning status is "Pending Vendor" 
where a.ProblemStatus <> 'Pending Vendor' 
order by a.ticket_number 
     , a.RowNum 

-- Drop the temp table 
drop table #tickets 



謝謝。你救了我的命。這是非常有幫助 – user2845419


很高興我能幫到你。 –