任何人都可以發佈將mercurial整合到phped的步驟。如何將Mercurial與PHPed IDE集成?
怎麼辦:創建快捷方式提交* 安裝水銀,如果你還沒有準備好。我已經安裝到c:\ development \ Mercurial \ *轉到PHPEd設置>工具>集成 *創建一個名爲「Hg」(或Mercurial或任何你想要調用它的)的新菜單 *創建一個新的Sub菜單稱爲「汞提交」 *編輯「汞提交」具有以下設置:
o Execute with "Shell"
o Command line: D:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe commit @[email protected] --cwd @[email protected]
o Check off "Show this command in File Bar popup" (optional)
o Shortcut: CTL-SHIFT-M (or anything you like)
o Check off Redirect Error stream to Log Window and Redirect Output to Window
Script D:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\hg.exe commit createXML.php --cwd D:\xampp\htdocs\XML\
Script Failed to run command "D:\Program", error code: 2, system description: "The system cannot find the file specified.
謝謝你那麼簡單。它的工作:) – 2009-07-09 10:53:45