2017-06-11 23 views

我做的,從數字ASCII值以下轉化爲各自的字符在Visual Basic中,悲慘的失敗了:「的Visual Basic 2015」轉換ASCII到字符,但未能爲什麼

在這裏,在PTH給出的數值已轉換將Ascii的值,以便在可變textval變量所看到的是該路徑的ASCII equivalint

Dim i As Integer 
    Dim dec As String 
    Dim original As Integer 
    Dim sentence As String 
    Dim inter As String 
    Dim pth =" c:\TESTER:\JESTER\MESTER " 
    textval="32 99 58 92 84 69 83 84 69 82 58 92 74 69 83 84 69 82 92 77 69 83 84 69 82 32" 
    textval = Trim(textval) 
    'Dim ts() As String = Split(textval) 
    Dim words As String() = textval.Split(New Char() {" "c}) 
    Label1.Text = words(0) + words(1) + words(2) 
    original = Int(ts(2)) 

上面的代碼沒有給出字(2)第二個字符是一個冒號的任何值「:」或ascii number 2961




你在這裏沒有做任何轉換。你只是在空格處分割一個字符串。 – GSerg


您需要'Chr'將int從字符轉換爲字符。 –


請檢查最近編輯.. –



您不會將整數值轉換爲字符。你必須使用Chr or ChrW來解決這個問題。請參閱下面的代碼示例:使用Chr


Dim textValues1 As String = "32 99 58 92 84 69 83 84 69 82 58 92 74 69 83 84 69 82 92 77 69 83 84 69 82 32" 
textValues1 = textValues1.Trim 
Dim textWords1 As String() = textValues1.Split(New Char() {" "c}) 
Dim strValue1 As String = "" 

For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(textWords1) 
    Dim numValue As Integer = 0 

    If Integer.TryParse(textWords1(i), numValue) Then 
     strValue1 &= Chr(CInt(numValue)) 
    End If 

Debug.Print(strValue1) 'output: c:\TESTER:\JESTER\MESTER 


Dim textValues2 As String = "32 99 58 92 84 69 83 84 69 82 58 92 74 69 83 84 69 82 92 77 69 83 84 69 82 32" 
textValues2 = textValues2.Trim 
Dim textWords2() As String = textValues2.Split(New Char() {" "c}) 
Dim strValue2 As String = "" 

For j As Integer = 0 To UBound(textWords2) 
    Dim numValue As Integer = 0 

    If Integer.TryParse(textWords2(j), numValue) Then 
     strValue2 &= ChrW(CInt(numValue)) 
    End If 

Debug.Print(strValue2) 'output: c:\TESTER:\JESTER\MESTER 

如果輸入無效,這將引發異常。 – dbasnett


我不明白爲什麼這個真正的問題被降級時,答案是如此完美是由@SebastianBrosch給出很多感謝您的答案這項工程100%請有人upvote這個問題,而不是-2 –


我喜歡你的解決方案@塞巴斯蒂安布羅什都與這個問題有關。 –



Dim textval As String = "32 a 99 58 92 84 69 83 84 69 82 58 92 74 69 83 84 69 82 92 77 69 83 84 69 82 32" 
    Dim cvals As New List(Of Char) 

    For Each s As String In textval.Split(New Char() {" "c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) 
     Dim ival As Integer 
     If Integer.TryParse(s, ival) Then 
     End If 

    Dim cv As String = cvals.ToArray ' c:\TESTER:\JESTER\MESTER 



如果您正在尋找一個通用的「Visual Studio 2015」答案,請使用.Net Framework的現有功能。請看下面的語句將字符串轉換爲字節或字符:

Dim bytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pth) 
Dim chars = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetChars(bytes) 
Dim stringValue = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes) 
