import java.util.*;
class Stack<E> implements StackInterface<E> {
private ArrayList<E> items;
public Stack() { // default constructor; creates an empty stack
items = new ArrayList<E>(); // initial capacity is 10
public Stack(int initialCapacity) {
//one argument constructor, creates a stack with initial capacity initialCapacity
items = new ArrayList<E>(initialCapacity);
public void push(E x) {
items.add(x); //uses the ArrayList method add(E o)
public E pop() {
if (empty()) // determine whether or not there is an item to remove
return null;
return items.remove(items.size()-1); //uses the ArrayList method remove(int n)
public boolean empty() {
return items.isEmpty();//uses the ArrayList method isEmpty()
public int size() {
return items.size(); //uses the ArayList method size()
public E peek() {
if (empty()) // determine whether or not there is an item on the stack
return null;
return items.get(items.size()-1); //uses the ArrayList method get(int i)
public void PrintAndEmpty()
// I want to print then empty the stack here, not in the main method.
public static void main (String[] args) // for demonstration only
Stack<Student> s = new Stack<Student>();
// push five Student references onto s
s.push(new Student("Spanky", "1245"));
s.push(new Student("Alfalfa", "1656"));
s.push(new Student("Darla", " 6525"));
s.push(new Student("Stimie", "1235"));
s.push(new Student("Jackie", "3498"));
// The data below is what I am trying to put in the PrintAndEmpty method
System.out.println("The size of the stack is now "+s.size());
public class Student
private String name;
private String id;
public Student()
name = "";
id = "";
public Student (String n, String idNum)
name = n;
id = idNum;
public String getName()
return name;
public String getID()
return id;
public void setName(String n)
name = n;
public void setID(String idNum)
id = idNum;
public boolean equals(Object o) // name and id are the same
return ( (((Student)o).name).equals(name) &&
(((Student)o).id).equals(id) );