2011-01-20 222 views



你可以使用move。從help move文檔狀態:

Moves files and renames files and directories. 

To move one or more files: 
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]filename1[,...] destination 

To rename a directory: 
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]dirname1 dirname2 

    [drive:][path]filename1 Specifies the location and name of the file 
          or files you want to move. 
    destination    Specifies the new location of the file. Destination 
          can consist of a drive letter and colon, a 
          directory name, or a combination. If you are moving 
          only one file, you can also include a filename if 
          you want to rename the file when you move it. 
    [drive:][path]dirname1 Specifies the directory you want to rename. 
    dirname2    Specifies the new name of the directory. 

    /Y      Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to 
          overwrite an existing destination file. 
    /-Y      Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite 
          an existing destination file. 

The switch /Y may be present in the COPYCMD environment variable. 
This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line. Default is 
to prompt on overwrites unless MOVE command is being executed from 
within a batch script. 


C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents>dir qq1 
Volume in drive C is Primary 
Volume Serial Number is 04F7-0E7B 

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq1 

20/01/2011 11:36 AM <DIR>   . 
20/01/2011 11:36 AM <DIR>   .. 
20/01/2011 11:36 AM    13 xx1 
20/01/2011 11:36 AM    13 xx2 
20/01/2011 11:36 AM    13 xx3 
       3 File(s)    39 bytes 
       2 Dir(s) 20,092,547,072 bytes free 

C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents>dir qq2 
Volume in drive C is Primary 
Volume Serial Number is 04F7-0E7B 

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq2 

20/01/2011 11:36 AM <DIR>   . 
20/01/2011 11:36 AM <DIR>   .. 
       0 File(s)    0 bytes 
       2 Dir(s) 20,092,547,072 bytes free 


C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents>move qq1\* qq2 
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq1\xx1 
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq1\xx2 
C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq1\xx3 


C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents>dir qq1 
Volume in drive C is Primary 
Volume Serial Number is 04F7-0E7B 

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq1 

20/01/2011 11:37 AM <DIR>   . 
20/01/2011 11:37 AM <DIR>   .. 
       0 File(s)    0 bytes 
       2 Dir(s) 20,092,547,072 bytes free 

C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents>dir qq2 
Volume in drive C is Primary 
Volume Serial Number is 04F7-0E7B 

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Pax\My Documents\qq2 

20/01/2011 11:37 AM <DIR>   . 
20/01/2011 11:37 AM <DIR>   .. 
20/01/2011 11:36 AM    13 xx1 
20/01/2011 11:36 AM    13 xx2 
20/01/2011 11:36 AM    13 xx3 
       3 File(s)    39 bytes 
       2 Dir(s) 20,092,547,072 bytes free 

這非常有幫助,我最終從本指南學到了很多東西。謝謝。它爲我節省了很多時間。 – Chirag 2011-01-20 23:54:34


查找move /?在Windows和man mv在Unix系統


這是一臺windows機器 – Chirag 2011-01-20 03:18:49


`move --help`?在Windows上?真?你嘗試過嗎? :-)我認爲你的意思是「移動/?」或「幫助移動」。 – paxdiablo 2011-01-20 03:33:08


在Windows上,`move --help`會導致`系統找不到指定的文件.`。 – aphoria 2011-01-20 14:08:07



move <source directory> <destination directory> 




MOVE c:\originalfolder\* c:\destinationfolder 



MOVE /? 
move c:\sourcefolder c:\targetfolder 


c:\targetfolder\sourcefolder\[all the subfolders & files] 


SET src_folder=c:\srcfold 
SET tar_folder=c:\tarfold 

for /f %%a IN ('dir "%src_folder%" /b') do move %src_folder%\%%a %tar_folder% 


使用move 然後move <file or folder> <destination directory>



# Setting up test env... 
C:\> mkdir folder1 folder1\sub1 folder1\sub2 folder2 
C:\> touch folder1\sub1\file.txt 

# Copy "folder1" to "folder2", then remove "folder1" 
C:\> xcopy /e folder1 folder2 
C:\> rmdir /s /q folder1 


robocopy /? 
robocopy SRC DST /E /MOV 