$ gsutil cp gs://mybucket/data.tgz .
Copying gs://mybucket/data.tgz...
Downloading this composite object requires integrity checking with CRC32c, but
your crcmod installation isn't using the module's C extension, so the the hash
computation will likely throttle download performance. For help installing the
extension, please see:
$ gsutil help crcmod
To download regardless of crcmod performance or to skip slow integrity checks,
see the "check_hashes" option in your boto config file.
目前我使用 「check_hashes =從不」 繞過檢查...
$ vi /etc/boto.cfg
default_project_id = 429100748693
default_api_version = 2
check_hashes = never
有沒有辦法通過'check_hashes'作爲'gsutil'的參數來執行單個命令? –
Robert - 您可以使用gsutil -o選項將配置文件參數傳遞給gsutil,例如gsutil -o GSUtil:check_hashes = if_fast_else_fail cp文件gs:// my-bucket –