2011-10-14 35 views


IllegalArgumentException occurred calling getter of org.springframework.security.oauth.examples.sparklr.models.Authority.user; 
nested exception is org.hibernate.PropertyAccessException: 
IllegalArgumentException occurred calling getter of org.springframework.security.oauth.examples.sparklr.models.Authority.user 


  • 休眠核心3.3.2.GA
  • 休眠的註解3.4.0.GA
  • 休眠公地的註解3.3.0.ga
  • 的Hibernate的EntityManager 3.4.0.GA
public class User implements UserDetails,Serializable { 

    /** Serial Version UID. */ 
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -558892839L; 

    /** Use a WeakHashMap so entries will be garbage collected once all entities 
     referring to a saved hash are garbage collected themselves. */ 
    private static final Map<Serializable, String> SAVED_HASHES = 
     Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<Serializable, String>()); 

    /** hashCode temporary storage. */ 
    private volatile String hashCode; 

    /** Field mapping. */ 
    private Boolean accountnonexpired; 
    /** Field mapping. */ 
    private Boolean accountnonlocked; 
    /** Field mapping. */ 
    private List<Authority> authorities = new ArrayList<Authority>(); 

    /** Field mapping. */ 
    private Boolean credentialsnonexpired; 
    /** Field mapping. */ 
    private Boolean enabled; 
    /** Field mapping. */ 
    private String id; 
    /** Field mapping. */ 
    private String password; 

     public class Authority implements Serializable ,GrantedAuthority { 

    /** Serial Version UID. */ 
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -558892840L; 

    /** Use a WeakHashMap so entries will be garbage collected once all entities 
     referring to a saved hash are garbage collected themselves. */ 
    private static final Map<Serializable, Serializable> SAVED_HASHES = 
     Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<Serializable, Serializable>()); 

    /** hashCode temporary storage. */ 
    private volatile Serializable hashCode; 

    /** Field mapping. */ 
    private String authority; 
    /** Field mapping. */ 
    private User user; 



你還沒有向我們展示了'org.springframework.security.oauth.examples.sparklr.models.Authority'類,這似乎是例外的來源。 –


我張貼在我的權威類下面,你可以看一下,謝謝 –



從你所示的代碼,你不必爲Authorityuser屬性爲getter 。


public User getUser(){ 
    return this.user; 

我有,但我不能複製所有的代碼,因爲公司的限制,它阻止@ManyToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST,CascadeType.MERGE},fetch = FetchType。懶惰) \t @ org.hibernate.annotations.Cascade({org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE}) \t @JoinColumn(名稱= 「用戶」,可爲空=假) @Id \t公衆用戶的getUser() { \t \t return this.user; \t \t \t} –


iam不確定hibernate的版本,可以嗎? –


當我用hsqldb 2.0.0,hibernate-jmx 3.5.4-Final,hibernate-annotations 3.3.0.ga,hibernate-commons-annotations 3.3.0.ga,javassist 3.4.GA更改這些依賴關係時,我遇到了下面的錯誤java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError:類org.hibernate.cfg.ExtendedMapping 具有接口org.hibernate.cfg.Mappings作爲超類-------如果我添加hibernate-entitymanager 3.4.0.GA其他錯誤是相同的IllegalArgumentException發生呼籲吸氣劑---與第一我不明白 –
