2013-05-01 136 views

我正在寫一個RequireJS加載器插件。該插件通過EasyXDM跨域獲取html片段。它使用裝載機的語法調用,像這樣:如何使用緩存寫RequireJS loader插件?






  • 異步調用後的第一次調用插件
  • 後完成每次
  • 您避免異步調用返回一個緩存值。


* RequireJS plugin for loading templates cross domain via easyXDM 
* Author: Larry Gerndt 
* Version: 0.0.1 (2013/5/1) 
* Usage: html!url,fragment-selector 
*  url: omit the .html extension 
*  fragment-selector: css selector of the fragment to extract 
define(['assetLoader','jquery'], function(AssetLoader, $) { 
    * Caches documents and fragments of documents 
    * The hash is derived from everything following the bang (!) 
    * For example, given this: html!assets/templates/IntroductionTooltip/introduction-tooltip,#mint-itt, we just 
    * strip out all illegal characters using the _hash() function and that's our hash for fragments. But we also 
    * want to cache the document from which the fragment came, in case a request is made for a different fragment from 
    * the same document. The hash for the document cache is made the same way as for fragments, except first omitting 
    * everything from the comma to the end of the line. In other words, omitting the fragment selector. 
    function Cache(name) { 
     this.name = name; 
     this.cache = {}; 
     this.size = 0; 
    Cache.prototype = { 
     get: function(name) { 
      return this.cache[name]; 
     has: function(name) { 
      return this.cache.hasOwnProperty(name); 
     add: function(name, html) { 
      this.cache[name] = html; 
      this.size += 1; 

    // a FIFO queue that stores calls to this module 

    function CallQueue() { 
     this.store = []; 
    CallQueue.prototype = { 
     push: function(name, req, onLoad, config) { 
       name : name, 
       req : req, 
       onLoad: onLoad, 
       config: config 
     pop: function() { 
      return this.store.length ? this.store.splice(this.store.length - 1, 1)[0] : null; 
     isEmpty: function() { 
      return this.store.length === 0; 

    var documentCache = new Cache('document'), 
     fragmentCache = new Cache('fragment'), 
     callQueue = new CallQueue(), 
     processedFirstCall = false; 

    // helpers 

    function getFragment(html, fragmentSelector) { 
     var $container, fragmentHtml; 
     if (!document.getElementById('mint-html-container')) { 
      $('body').append('<div id="mint-html-container" style="display:none;"></div>'); 
     fragmentHtml = $(fragmentSelector).get(0).outerHTML; 
     return fragmentHtml; 

    function hash(string) { 
     return string.replace(/[\/,#\.\s\-]/g, ''); 

    function loadRemoteAsset(url, fragmentSelector, onLoad) { 
     var documentHash = hash(url), 
      fragmentHash = hash(url+fragmentSelector); 

     AssetLoader.loadHtmlFragment(url + '.html', fragmentSelector).then(function(fragmentHtml, allHtml) { 
      documentCache.add(documentHash, allHtml); 
      fragmentCache.add(fragmentHash, fragmentHtml); 
     }, function() { 
      onLoad.error('AssetLoader: failed for unknown reason'); 

    function processOneCall() { 

     if (!callQueue.isEmpty()) { 
      var item = callQueue.pop(), 
       split = item.name.split(','), 
       url = split[0], 
       fragmentSelector = split[1]; 

      if (url.indexOf('/') === 0) { 
       url = item.config.baseUrl + url; 
      if (!url || !fragmentSelector) { 
       item.onLoad.error('AssetLoader: invalid argument: ' + item.name + '\n Example Usage: html!assets/templates/IntroductionTooltip/introduction-tooltip,#mint-itt'); 
      else { 
       var documentHash = hash(url), 
        fragmentHash = hash(url+fragmentSelector); 

       if (fragmentCache.has(fragmentHash)) { 
        //console.log('using cached fragment for url: ', url, ', fragment: ', fragmentSelector); 
       else if (documentCache.has(documentHash)) { 
        var fragmentHtml = getFragment(documentCache.get(documentHash), fragmentSelector); 
        fragmentCache.add(fragmentHash, fragmentHtml); 
        //console.log('using cached document for url: ',url, ', fragment: ', fragmentSelector); 
       else { 
        loadRemoteAsset(url, fragmentSelector, item.onLoad); 

    // public API 

    return { 
     load : function(name, req, onload, config){ 
      callQueue.push(name, req, onload, config); 
      if (!processedFirstCall) { 
       processedFirstCall = true; 
     pluginBuilder: 'html-builder' // uses this no-op module during Optimizer build to avoid error "window is not defined" 
