declare @events table (event varchar(50), host varchar(50), date date)
declare @eventFollows table (event varchar(50), follower varchar(50))
insert into @events values ('e_1', 'Alice', GETDATE())
insert into @events values ('e_2', 'Alice', GETDATE())
insert into @events values ('e_3', 'Alice', GETDATE())
insert into @events values ('e_4', 'Alice', GETDATE())
insert into @events values ('e_5', 'Alice', GETDATE())
insert into @eventFollows values ('e_1', 'Bob') --new
insert into @eventFollows values ('e_2', 'Bob') --active
--Bob churned
insert into @eventFollows values ('e_4', 'Megan') --new
insert into @eventFollows values ('e_5', 'Bob') --resurrected
insert into @eventFollows values ('e_5', 'Megan') --active
select * from @events
select * from @eventFollows
select 'e_1', 1 as New, 0 as resurrected, 0 as active, 0 as churned --First time Bob follows Alice event
union all
select 'e_2', 0 as New, 0 as resurrected, 1 as active, 0 as churned --Bob follows the next event that Alice host (considered as Active)
union all
select 'e_3', 0 as New, 0 as resurrected, 0 as active, 1 as churned --Bob churns since he does not follow the next event
union all
select 'e_4', 1 as New, 0 as resurrected, 0 as active, 0 as churned --First time Megan follows Alice event
union all
select 'e_5', 0 as New, 1 as resurrected, 1 as active, 0 as churned --Second time (active) for Megan and Bob is resurrected
select a.event, follower, date,
LAG (a.event,1) over (partition by a.host, ma.follower order by date) as lag,
LEAD (a.event,1) over (partition by a.host, ma.follower order by date) as lead,
LAG (a.event,1) over (partition by a.host order by date) as lagP,
LEAD (a.event,1) over (partition by a.host order by date) as leadP
from @events a left join @eventFollows ma on ma.event = a.event order by host, follower, date
「攪動」後會發生什麼?他們攪拌一次還是停止攪動? – gbn
每個人或COUNT個人的標誌是? – gbn
當你流失後,你可以重新復活,然後你可以再次攪動。在我的例子中,鮑勃攪動(即將離開事件3和事件4),但在事件5復活。 – corpat