<cfquery name="qState" datasource="#Variables.fw.Config.DSN#">
SELECT * from refState WHERE State = '#url.BindID#' AND status = 'Active' order by ldesc
<select name="State">
<option value="" <cfif isDefined("url.PrevID") and #url.PrevID# EQ "">selected</cfif>></option>
<cfoutput query="qState">
<option value="#qState.State#" <cfif isDefined("url.PrevID") and #url.PrevID# EQ #qState.State#>selected</cfif>>#qState.Ldesc#</option>
<cfdiv id="City" bind="url:index.cfm?section=public&action=City&txtReff=#txtReff#&BindStateID={State}&PrevCityID=#txtCity#">
第一個下拉狀態由數據庫的onload填充<!--- loop to fix the state, returns the correct value even though i hav limited knowledge on this --->
<cfset num = 0>
<cfloop index="i" list="#url.BindStateID#" delimiters=",">
<cfset num = #num# + 1>
<cfif #num# EQ 2>
<cfset p = #i#>
<!--- then the query to get cities under the state --->
<cfquery name="qCity" datasource="#Variables.fw.Config.DSN#">
SELECT * from refCity WHERE State = '#p#' AND status = 'Active' order by ldesc
<select name="City">
<option value="" <cfif isDefined("url.PrevCityID") and #url.PrevCityID# EQ "">selected</cfif>></option>
<cfoutput query="qCity">
<option value="#qCity.City#" <cfif isDefined("url.PrevCityID") and #url.PrevCityID# EQ #qCity.City#>selected</cfif>>#qCity.Ldesc#</option>
問題是這隻適用於IE6,7和8。它不適用於Chrome,IE 9及以上版本和Firefox。
你得到一個其他瀏覽器錯誤? – 2013-03-25 01:51:05
還,我推薦使用'structKeyExists(URL,「PrevCityID」)',在你的if語句,並使用'選擇=「選擇」' – 2013-03-25 01:52:08
待辦事項Firebug的或鍍鉻/ IE9相當於告訴你任何去除''## javascript錯誤? – 2013-03-25 03:06:00