2014-11-02 71 views


    <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> 
     function newVerse() 

     var objects = document.getElementById('objectsID').value 
     var destination = document.getElementById('destinationID').value 

     var result = "Where have all the " + objects + " gone? <br /> + Long time passing. <br /> + Where have all the " + objects + " gone? <br /> + Long time ago. <br /> + Where have all the " + objects + " gone? <br /> + Gone to " + destination + ", everyone. <br /> + When will they ever learn? <br /> + When will they ever learn? <br />"; 

     result = document.getElementById('textboxid').value 

<b>Objects Input</b>: <input TYPE="text" NAME="objects1" ID="objectsID" SIZE="20" /> 
<b>Destination Input</b>: <input TYPE="text" NAME="destination1" ID="destinationID" SIZE="20" /> 
<input TYPE="button" VALUE="Print Verse" onClick="newVerse()" /> 
<textarea id="textboxid" rows=10 cols=50> 


看起來就像你'結果=的document.getElementById( 'textboxid')valu'向後 – Bergi 2014-11-02 17:34:46


。 「*我一直收到一個錯誤,說」newVerse()「是未定義的,即使它明確定義爲函數*」 - 是的,'newVerse'被定義爲一個函數並調用它('newVerse()')不會返回任何事物,因此都是'未定義的'。 – Bergi 2014-11-02 17:35:45


看起來像有人需要學習JavaScript語法的基礎知識 – 2014-11-02 17:38:45




     <b>Objects Input</b>: <input type="text" name="objects1" id="objectsID" size="20" /> 
     <b>Destination Input</b>: <input type="text" name="destination1" id="destinationID"  size="20" /> 
     <input type="button" value="Print Verse" onclick="newVerse()" /> 
     <textarea id="textboxid" rows=10 cols=50></textarea> 

<script language="JavaScript"> 
    function newVerse() { 

     var objects = document.getElementById('objectsID').value; 
     var destination = document.getElementById('destinationID').value; 

     var result = "Where have all the " + objects + " gone? <br /> + Long time passing. <br /> + Where have all the " + objects + " gone? <br /> + Long time ago. <br /> + Where have all the " + objects + " gone? <br /> + Gone to " + destination + ", everyone. <br /> + When will they ever learn? <br /> + When will they ever learn? <br />"; 

     document.getElementById('textboxid').value = result; 


是從原始的代碼改變是在文本框會填充文字的唯一的事情: 因爲你想給一個元素(具有一定的id)的一些內容,那麼你只需鍵入:

document.getElementById("idOfWhatEverElement").value = "This is the content"; 



<b>something bold</b> and <p>This is a paragraph</p>