interface B {
base: string;
interface C1 extends B {
c1: string;
interface C2 extends B {
c2: string;
type A = C1 | C2;
var aOk1: A = {
base: '',
c1: '',
var aOk2: A = {
base: '',
c2: '',
var a: A = {
base: '',
c1: '', // was expecting this to error at compile time
c2: '', // was expecting this to error at compile time
a.c1; // Correctly errors
a.c2; // Correctly errors
// definition in a .d.ts file
someFunction(options: C1 | C2)
// consuming in a .ts file
// User might think both options will be used but
// actually c2 option silently overrides c1.
someFunction({base: '', c1: '', c2: ''});
** 編輯:標籤聯合類型 **
不能使用tagged union types又稱"Discriminated Unions"解決這個問題之一:
interface C1 extends B {
kind: 'C1',
c1: string;
interface C2 extends B {
kind: 'C2',
c2: string;
type A = C1 | C2;
var a: A = {
kind: 'C1',
base: '',
c1: '', // would like this to compile time error
c2: '', // would like this to compile time error
你在尋找十字路口類型嗎? '類型A = C1 ' – Saravana
嗨@Saravana,感謝您的評論。相交類型首先不會在'var a:A = {base:'',c1:'',c2:''}'中產生'c1'和'c2'錯誤(並且另外導致能夠訪問c1和C2沒有任何錯誤,這是絕對不正確的)。 – AJP