2012-03-04 26 views






from bottle import request, route, run, view 

def index(): 
    print request.GET.get('choice'); 
    return dict(choice = request.method == 'GET'); 

run(host = 'localhost', port = 9988); 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
     <title>Search Engine Comparator!</title> 
     <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
      #navlist li 
       display: inline; 
       list-style-type: none; 
       padding-right: 20px; 
     % from bSearch import * 
     % from gSearch import *  
     % from termList import *   
     <center><h2>Search Engine Comparator</h2></center> 
     <div id="navcontainer" align="center"> 
      <ul id="navlist"> 
        % r1 = getList1(); 
        % for r in r1: 
        <li> {{ r }} </li> 
        % end 
        % r2 = getList2(); 
        % for r in r2: 
        <li> {{ r }} </li> 
        % end 
        % r3 = getList3(); 
        % for r in r3: 
        <li> {{ r }} </li> 
        % end 
        % r4 = getList4(); 
        % for r in r4: 
        <li> {{ r }} </li> 
        % end 
        % r5 = getList5(); 
        % for r in r5: 
        <li> {{ r }} </li> 
        % end 
      <ul id="navlist"> 
        % r6 = getList6(); 
        % for r in r6: 
        <li> {{ r }} </li> 
        % end 
        % r7 = getList7(); 
        % for r in r7: 
        <li> {{ r }} </li> 
        % end 
        % r8 = getList8(); 
        % for r in r8: 
        <li> {{ r }} </li> 
        % end 
        % r9 = getList9(); 
        % for r in r9: 
        <li> {{ r }} </li> 
        % end 
        % r10 = getList10(); 
        % for r in r10: 
        <li> {{ r }} </li> 
        % end 
     % choice = request.GET.get('choice'); 
     % if choice: 
     <form action="/" method="get" id="resForm" name="resForm"> 
      <div align="center"> 
       <label for="choice">Enter which list to query:</label> 
       <input type="text" name="choice" /> 
       <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> 
     % else: 
     <form action="" method="get" id="resForm" name="resForm"> 
      <div align="center"> 
       <label for="choice">Enter which list to query:</label> 
       <input type="text" name="choice" /> 
       <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> 
      % queries = getQueries(choice); 
      % for q in queries: 
      <table border="1" width="100%"> 
        <th></th><th>The query is: {{ q }}</th><th></th> 
        <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" id="b" name="bing">I pick this!!!</td> 
        <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" id="g" name="goog">I pick this!!!</td> 
        <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" id="y" name="yhoo">I pick this!!!</td>     
        <td width="33%"> 
          % bRes = bSearch(q);   
          % for b in bRes[:8]: 
          <li>{{ b.title }} <br /> <a href={{ b.url }}>{{ b.url }}</a></li> 
          % end 
        <td width="33%"> 

        <td width="33%"> 
          <li>aint working b!</li> 
       <br /> 
       % end  
      % end 
      <center><br /><input type="button" id="checker" value="Click to get the count!" onclick="checkerCount()" /></center> 

<script type="text/javascript"> 
function checkerCount() 
    var inputTags = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); 
    var size = inputTags.length; 
    var b = 0; 
    var g = 0; 
    var y = 0; 
    for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) 
     if(inputTags[i].type=='checkbox' && inputTags[i].checked && inputTags[i].id=='b') { b++; } 
     if(inputTags[i].type=='checkbox' && inputTags[i].checked && inputTags[i].id=='g') { g++; } 
     if(inputTags[i].type=='checkbox' && inputTags[i].checked && inputTags[i].id=='y') { y++; } 
    alert("After counting and all that, we found the scores!\n" + 
      "Bing has score: " + b + 
      "\nGoogle has score: " + g + 
      "\nYahoo has score: " + y); 






能否請您解釋一下,在愚蠢的人而言..所以基本上將所有「%Python代碼」索引()? – iCodeLikeImDrunk 2012-03-04 23:17:07


@Joe Chen:是的。你明白這個權利。這不是你的直接問題,但如果你移動代碼它也應該解決它自己。模板語言允許任意Python代碼的事實並不意味着把它放在那裏是一個好主意。順便說一句,你不需要把所有的代碼放在單個'index()'函數中。 – jfs 2012-03-05 00:08:30



return dict(choice = request.method == 'GET'); 


return {'choice': request.GET.get('choice')} 

我從網上得到了那個地方,我正在考慮返回的選擇,所以HTML頁面將知道哪個函數調用.. – iCodeLikeImDrunk 2012-03-04 23:27:31


好,但你的代碼沒有返回的選擇。它返回請求方法是否爲GET的布爾值。 – 2012-03-05 00:03:40


@JoeChen:您可能是指[我的回答](http://stackoverflow.com/a/9541298/4279)中的代碼,其中'index()'同時提供GET和POST請求。我已經做了這個例子來簡化示例(我應該明確指出它不是*將任意Python代碼放入模板的邀請)。在你的情況下,index()只提供GET請求,所以request.method總是GET。從index()返回'dict(key = 123)'意味着你可以使用'{{key}}'在模板中插入'123'('index.html')。 – jfs 2012-03-05 00:39:00
