代碼第一次按預期運行,但如果我再次運行它,它會使自動化臺崩潰。如果我在Python中運行它,沒有錯誤,我可以反覆運行它。第二次運行Python Tkinter崩潰自動化臺
「AD」。 AutomationDesk變量不能在automationdesk之外工作。爲了測試,我評論這部分,只是使用DEBUG而不是AD .DEBUG。
from Tkinter import *
import Tkinter,tkFileDialog,tkMessageBox
from datetime import datetime
#print time
now = datetime.now()
print "Test Start time is: "+'%s:%s:%s' % (now.hour, now.minute,now.second)
#hide the main window
root = Tk()
#Debugger option
debugYN = tkMessageBox.askyesno("Debug", "Would you like to debug?")
if debugYN == True:
_AD_.DEBUG = 1
print "Debugging enabled"
_AD_.DEBUG = 0
#File name selection
file = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
if file != None and debugYN == True:
print file
_AD_.DFCxlsPath = file
if _AD_.DEBUG == 1:
now = datetime.now()
print "Select XLS & Debug Completed at "+'%s:%s:%s' % (now.hour, now.minute,now.second)
root = None
del file
del debugYN
#remove now here because no matter what we print the start time
del now
這是你的整個代碼?我得到了'NameError:name'_AD_'未定義'。 – Kevin
什麼是「動畫桌」?這是一個程序嗎? –
Automation Desk是由dSpace創建的軟件。 –