$ical = Date::ICal->new(year => 1964, month => 10, day => 16,
hour => 20, min => 12, sec => 47,
#tz => '0530'
ok(defined $ical, 'new() returned something');
ok($ical->isa('Date::ICal'), " and it's the right class");
is($ical->sec, 47, ' sec()' );
is($ical->min, 12, ' min()' );
is($ical->hour, 20, ' hour()' );
is($ical->day, 16, ' day()' );
is($ical->month, 10, ' month()');
is($ical->year, 1964, ' year()' );
print "hour = " . $ical->hour . "\n";
ok 1 - new() returned something
ok 2 - and it's the right class
ok 3 - sec()
ok 4 - min()
not ok 5 - hour()
# Failed test ' hour()'
# at ./test_more.pl line 17.
# got: '0'
# expected: '20'
not ok 6 - day()
# Failed test ' day()'
# at ./test_more.pl line 18.
# got: '17'
# expected: '16'
ok 7 - month()
ok 8 - year()
hour = 0
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 8.
我實際上是5個小時的落後,但是如果沒有指定,我不應該在我的tz中獲得小時數嗎?(這就是爲什麼註釋掉了tz屬性) – ennuikiller 2010-07-30 23:29:27
自10/16/1964起UTC時間4小時後? – mob 2010-07-30 23:34:03
好問題,是的,其實我猜我是...... – ennuikiller 2010-07-30 23:35:27