2016-08-14 22 views

首先讓我解釋一下這個應用程序:http服務器有一個很大的列表,當它被ping通時,回覆一個響應。最新的響應和關於服務器的其他一切都保存在數據庫中。在後臺發送ping - 我是否正確地做?

我已經得到了答覆和處理的美術 - 我只是想知道我應該如何設置我的自動ping服務。

目前我已經建立了一個服務(Just Service,而不是IntentService),它是粘性的,並觸發一個線程(只是線程,而不是處理程序或asynctask)被調用,有一個無限循環 - 在這個循環中,我有一個線程.sleep(time)命令,其中時間可以由用戶定義,並且每次循環重複時從共享首選項中讀取。有時候這個線程可以睡24小時。




TL; DR-什麼是最好的做法有一個無限循環關閉的UI線程需要延遲很長一段時間。





* Send automatic server pings with the help of {@link AlarmManager}. 
* <p> 
* Smack's {@link PingManager} uses a <code>ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor</code> to schedule the 
* automatic server pings, but on Android, those scheduled pings are not reliable. This is because 
* the Android device may go into deep sleep where the system will not continue to run this causes 
* <ul> 
* <li>the system time to not move forward, which means that the time spent in deep sleep is not 
* counted towards the scheduled delay time</li> 
* <li>the scheduled Runnable is not run while the system is in deep sleep.</li> 
* </ul> 
* That is the reason Android comes with an API to schedule those tasks: AlarmManager. Which this 
* class uses to determine every 30 minutes if a server ping is necessary. The interval of 30 
* minutes is the ideal trade-off between reliability and low resource (battery) consumption. 
* </p> 
* <p> 
* In order to use this class you need to call {@link #onCreate(Context)} <b>once</b>, for example 
* in the <code>onCreate()</code> method of your Service holding the XMPPConnection. And to avoid 
* leaking any resources, you should call {@link #onDestroy()} when you no longer need any of its 
* functionality. 
* </p> 

是的這看起來像我在找什麼。然後我會看看警報管理器。 Thankyou爲例!你在哪裏找到它,我可以問一下嗎? :P – AndroidStudent


ServerPingWithAlarmManager.class中有一個超鏈接,在答案中單擊它。 – uguboz