在下面的代碼中,我試圖獲得第二個'while'語句(while digit_check)從早先的while_count語句接收新日期。但它似乎從第一個賦值行中爲user_date變量提取了原始賦值。如何獲得正確的變量參考
def main():
user_date = raw_input("Enter a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy and press 'Enter' ")
count = len(user_date)
digit = ''
digit_check = ''
while count != 10:
user_date = raw_input('try again ')
count = len(user_date)
if user_date[0].isdigit() and user_date[1].isdigit() and user_date[3].isdigit() \
and user_date[4].isdigit() and user_date[6].isdigit() and user_date[7].isdigit() \
and user_date[8].isdigit() and user_date[9].isdigit() and user_date[2] == '/' \
and user_date[5] == '/':
digit_check = True
while digit_check != True :
user_date = raw_input('Not right - try again')
print 'That date is ',convert_date(user_date) + ' ' + user_date[3] + user_date[4] + ',' + user_date[6:]
def convert_date(user_date):
# Convert date to different format
month = ''
if user_date[0] == '0' and user_date[1] == '1':
month = 'January'
elif user_date[0] == '0' and user_date[1] == '2':
month = 'February'
elif user_date[0] == '0' and user_date[1] == '3':
month = 'March'
elif user_date[0] == '0' and user_date[1] == '4':
month = 'April'
elif user_date[0] == '0' and user_date[1] == '5':
month = 'May'
elif user_date[0] == '0' and user_date[1] == '6':
month = 'June'
elif user_date[0] == '0' and user_date[1] == '7':
month = 'July'
elif user_date[0] == '0' and user_date[1] == '8':
month = 'August'
elif user_date[0] == '0' and user_date[1] == '9':
month = 'September'
elif user_date[0] == '1' and user_date[1] == '0':
month = 'October'
elif user_date[0] == '1' and user_date[1] == '1':
month = 'November'
elif user_date[0] == '1' and user_date[1] == '2':
month = 'December'
return month
那麼,這可能是因爲你的巨人如果陳述失敗?注意:你應該重寫你的代碼。 – katrielalex 2011-03-06 23:06:19
@katrielalex,是啊我應該 - 這就是爲什麼我試圖得到一些幫助。也許你應該嘗試建設性和有益的! – Paul 2011-03-06 23:36:45
我只是說,如果你證明你已經嘗試了一些明顯的事情,那麼你會更容易獲得幫助。在這種情況下,您應該進行一些調試,可能會使用打印語句來查看問題出在哪裏。 – katrielalex 2011-03-06 23:50:04