2015-02-10 71 views

我真的可以做一些F#中尾部呼叫優化的幫助。 我想解析一個樹狀結構,並在每一片葉子上進行計算。F#中的尾部呼叫優化#


type Location = float * float 
type Radius = float 
type Width = float 
type Angle = float 

type Primitive =  
     | Circle of Location * Radius 
     | Ellipse of Location * Radius * Radius 
     | Square of Location * Width * Angle 
     | MultiPrimitive of Primitive List 

type Primitive with 
    member x.Length = 
     let rec calcLength x = 
      match x with 
      | Circle (_,r)  -> System.Math.PI * r * 2. 
      | Ellipse (_,r1,r2) -> System.Math.PI * 2. * sqrt( (r1 * r1) + (r2 * r2)/2.) 
      | Square (_, w,_) -> w * 4. 
      | MultiPrimitive [] -> 0. 
      | MultiPrimitive (head::tail) -> calcLength (MultiPrimitive tail) + (calcLength head) 

let ``test discriminated unions``() = 
    let pattern = MultiPrimitive(
            Square((10.,10.), 10., 45.); 
            Circle((3.,7.), 3.); 
            Circle((7.,7.), 3.); 
            Square((5.,2.), 3., 45.); 

          Square((10.,10.), 10., 45.); 
          Circle((3.,7.), 3.); 
          Circle((7.,7.), 3.); 
          Square((5.,2.), 3., 45.); 
         Square((10.,10.), 10., 45.); 
         Circle((3.,7.), 3.); 
         Circle((7.,7.), 3.); 
         Square((5.,2.), 3., 45.); 

    let r = pattern.Length 


let rec calcLength x f = 
     match x with 
     | Circle (_,r)  -> f() + System.Math.PI * r * 2. 
     | Ellipse (_,r1,r2) -> f() + System.Math.PI * 2. * sqrt( (r1 * r1) + (r2 * r2)/2.) 
     | Square (_, w,_) -> f() + w * 4. 
     | MultiPrimitive [] -> f() 
     | MultiPrimitive (head::tail) -> calcLength head (fun() -> calcLength(MultiPrimitive tail) f) 

    calcLength x (fun() -> 0.) 



可能重複[什麼是尾遞歸?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33923/what-is-tail-recursion) – CoderDennis 2015-02-10 20:26:04


如果您使用的是Visual Studio,那麼默認情況下,在調試模式下禁用調用優化,爲您提供更好的堆棧跟蹤。嘗試在項目選項中啓用它。 – 2015-02-10 20:29:13


@TomasPetricek謝謝你,好貼士! – 2015-02-12 04:06:45




 let rec calcLength x k = 
      match x with 
      | Circle (_,r)  -> k (System.Math.PI * r * 2.) 
      | Ellipse (_,r1,r2) -> k (System.Math.PI * 2. * sqrt( (r1 * r1) + (r2 * r2)/2.)) 
      | Square (_, w,_) -> k (w * 4.) 
      | MultiPrimitive [] -> k 0. 
      | MultiPrimitive (head::tail) -> (calcLength head (fun h -> calcLength(MultiPrimitive tail) (fun t -> k (h + t)))) 



Hi @Lee,謝謝你的回答。爲了讓你的代碼正常工作,我必須將h添加到calcResult。 '| MultiPrimitive(head :: tail) - >(calcLength head(fun h - > h + calcLength(MultiPrimitive tail)k))'那是正確的嗎? – 2015-02-11 04:58:50


@MikeCoxeter - 對不起,總和應該傳遞給延續 - 請參閱更新。 – Lee 2015-02-11 09:03:49


謝謝@李先生的工作。 – 2015-02-12 04:05:47