public function TheGame() {
//Connect to tapjoy's ad network
//tjClass = new TapJoyClass();
//stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
//stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
//Give game focus so the keyboard keys will work on computer
stage.focus = this;
globalStage = this.stage;
//Checks if ScoreData and Bike data shared object has been created, if not it creates
scoreInfo = SharedObject.getLocal ("ScoreData");
bikeInfo = SharedObject.getLocal ("BikeData");
mostSprocketsCollected = scoreInfo.data.mostSprocketsCollected;
//Handling background
background1 = new Background;
background2 = new Background;
addChild (background1);
addChild (background2);
background1.cacheAsBitmap = true;
background2.cacheAsBitmap = true;
background1.mouseChildren = false;
background1.mouseEnabled = false;
background2.mouseChildren = false;
background2.mouseEnabled = false;
background1.x = background1.width;
background2.x = background1.x + background2.width;
//Handling buildings
building1 = new Buildings;
building2 = new Buildings;
addChild (building1);
addChild (building2);
building1.cacheAsBitmap = true;
building2.cacheAsBitmap = true;
building1.mouseChildren = false;
building1.mouseEnabled = false;
building2.mouseChildren = false;
building2.mouseEnabled = false;
building1.x = building1.width;
building2.x = building1.x + building2.width;
//Choose which bike will be used
if(bikeInfo.data.EquippedBike == undefined){
//Start off with original bike
whichBike = "OriginalDirtBike";
bikeInfo.data.BikeColor = "OriginalDirtBike";
whichBike = bikeInfo.data.EquippedBike;
if(whichBike == "Banshee"){
//Add far wheels first
wheelClip2 = new Banshee_Far_WheelClip;
addChild (wheelClip2);
//wheelClip2. = 208.30;
wheelClip2.y = 350;
//Add Banshee
bitmapBike = new Banshee_Bitmap();
bitmapBike.gotoAndStop (bikeInfo.data.BikeColor);
addChild (bitmapBike);
bitmapBike.y = 399.80;
bitmapBike.x = 0;
//Add frontWheels
wheelClip = new Banshee_WheelClip();
wheelClip.backTire.frontFace.gotoAndStop (bikeInfo.data.BikeColor);
wheelClip.frontTire.frontFace.gotoAndStop (bikeInfo.data.BikeColor);
addChild (wheelClip);
wheelClip.x = 187.70;
wheelClip.y = 399;
}else if(whichBike == "SupermotoDRZ400"){
//Add Wheels
wheelClip = new WheelClip();
wheelClip.backTire.gotoAndStop (bikeInfo.data.BikeColor);
wheelClip.frontTire.gotoAndStop (bikeInfo.data.BikeColor);
addChild (wheelClip);
wheelClip.x = 0;
wheelClip.y = 409.45;
//Add bike
bitmapBike = new SuperMoto_Bitmap();
bitmapBike.gotoAndStop (bikeInfo.data.BikeColor);
addChild (bitmapBike);
bitmapBike.y = 399.80;
}else if(whichBike == "OriginalDirtBike"){
//Add wheels
wheelClip = new OriginalBike_WheelClip();
wheelClip.backTire.gotoAndStop (bikeInfo.data.BikeColor);
wheelClip.frontTire.gotoAndStop (bikeInfo.data.BikeColor);
addChild (wheelClip);
wheelClip.x = 0;
wheelClip.y = 405;
//Add Bike
bitmapBike = new OriginalBike_Bitmap();
addChild (bitmapBike);
bitmapBike.gotoAndStop (bikeInfo.data.BikeColor);
bitmapBike.y = 399.80;
//Add rider
//rider = new Rider_Original_bitmap();
//addChild (rider);
//rider.y = 353.1
//bitmapBike.mouseChildren = false;
//bitmapBike.mouseEnabled = false;
//bitmapBike.cacheAsBitmapMatrix = bitmapBike.transform.concatenatedMatrix;
//bitmapBike.cacheAsBitmap = true;
trace ("bitmap bike : " + getSize (bitmapBike));
//rider.cacheAsBitmapMatrix = rider.transform.concatenatedMatrix;
//rider.cacheAsBitmap = true;
rider.mouseChildren = false;
rider.mouseEnabled = false;
gasPress.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, hitGas);
gasPress.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, releaseGas);
brake.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, hitBrake);
brake.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, releaseBrake);
stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, useKeyboard);
stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, stopUseKeyboard);
addEventListener (Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
ScoreBoardFormat = new TextFormat();
ScoreBoardFormat.bold = true;
sprocketVector = new Vector.<MovieClip>();
sprocketPool = new SprocketPool(Sprocket, pool_SprocketAmount);
stage.addEventListener (Event.RESIZE, resizeObjects);
stage.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.RESIZE));
//on mobile device
//on desktop
gravity = 15; // low values for phone
dy = 60; // low values for phone
backgroundDx = -160;
buildingDx = -300;
dx = 300; // speed and direction
//start bike off in a wheelie
bitmapBike.rotation = -45;
rider.rotation = -45;
wheelClip.x = -15;
rider.x = bitmapBike.x;
//Add the first sprocket
//Following Functions are Gas and Brake related
public function hitGas (e:MouseEvent){
holdGas = true;
pressedBrake = "no";
public function hitBrake (e:MouseEvent){
pressedBrake = "yes";
public function releaseGas (e:MouseEvent){
holdGas = false;
public function releaseBrake (e:MouseEvent){
pressedBrake = "no";
//Game Loop
public function gameLoop (e:Event):void{
var timePassed:int = getTimer()-lastTime;
lastTime += timePassed;
if (whichBike == "SupermotoDRZ400"){
//Keep wheels in position with the bike
wheelClip.rotation = bitmapBike.rotation;
wheelClip.x = bitmapBike.x;
//make tires spin
wheelClip.frontTire.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
wheelClip.backTire.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
rider.rotation = bitmapBike.rotation - 1;
rider.x = bitmapBike.x + 25;
}else if (whichBike == "OriginalDirtBike"){
//Keep wheels in position with the bike
wheelClip.rotation = bitmapBike.rotation - 1.5;
wheelClip.rotation = bitmapBike.rotation;
wheelClip.x = bitmapBike.x + 16.5;
//make tires spin
wheelClip.frontTire.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
wheelClip.backTire.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
rider.x = bitmapBike.x;
rider.rotation = bitmapBike.rotation;
}else if (whichBike == "Banshee"){
rider.rotation = bitmapBike.rotation;
rider.x = bitmapBike.x;
//First wheels
wheelClip.x = bitmapBike.x;
wheelClip.rotation = bitmapBike.rotation;
wheelClip.frontTire.frontFace.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
wheelClip.frontTire.backFace.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
wheelClip.backTire.frontFace.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
wheelClip.backTire.backFace.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
//second wheels
wheelClip2.x = bitmapBike.x;
wheelClip2.rotation = bitmapBike.rotation;
wheelClip2.farBackTire.frontFace.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
wheelClip2.farFrontTire.frontFace.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
wheelClip2.farFrontTire.backFace.rotation += 75*timePassed/1000;
if(popUp != null){
this.setChildIndex (popUp, this.numChildren - 2);
this.setChildIndex (rider, this.numChildren - 1);
//Stores the bikes current rotation point
var currRotation = bitmapBike.rotation;
//make shadow follow bike
var bikeX:int = bitmapBike.x;
newShadow.x = bikeX + 150; //109.8;
if(currRotation <= -11){ //This should occur at a lower
rider.gotoAndPlay ("sitDown");
sitDown = true;
newShadow.gotoAndStop ("fullShadow");
if(currRotation <= -15){
leanBack = true;
//just change shadow with this one
if(currRotation <= -25){
newShadow.gotoAndStop ("midShadow");
if(currRotation <= -30){
rider.gotoAndPlay ("LeanBack");
leanBack = true;
newShadow.gotoAndStop ("smallShadow");
if(currRotation <= -34){ //Highest
rider.gotoAndPlay ("LeanBack2");
leanBack = true;
newShadow.gotoAndStop ("smallestShadow");
if(currRotation <= -35){ //Highest
rider.gotoAndPlay ("LeanBack2");
leanBack = true;
newShadow.gotoAndStop ("allTheWayBack");
//if player holds or hit the brake
if(pressedBrake == "yes") { //for some reason the opposite is working right now
var currBikePosition:int;
currBikePosition = bitmapBike.rotation;
bitmapBike.rotation += 2;
currBikePosition = 0;
//gravity pulling bike down
bitmapBike.rotation += gravity*timePassed/1000;
bitmapBike.rotation += gravity*timePassed/1000;
//if player holding gas, do wheeliez
if(holdGas == true){
//Make bike wheelie
bitmapBike.rotation -= dy*timePassed/1000;
rider.rotation -= dy*timePassed/1000;
//Move Bike to center, then move buildings
if(bitmapBike.x <=187){
//move bike
bitmapBike.x += dx*timePassed/1000;
//move buildings and background
building1.x += buildingDx*timePassed/1000;
building2.x += buildingDx*timePassed/1000;
if(building1.x <= -25){
building1.x = building2.x + building1.width;
}else if(building2.x <= -25){
building2.x = building1.x + building2.width;
background1.x += backgroundDx*timePassed/1000;
background2.x += backgroundDx*timePassed/1000;
if(background1.x <=0){
background1.x = background2.x + background1.width;
}else if (background2.x <=0){
background2.x = background1.x + background2.width;
如果我的理解它是正確的,即使沒有氣體,你也經歷了滯後?我最好的猜測是你對待移動背景的方式。嘗試刪除背景正在移動,然後嘗試徹底刪除背景,看看會發生什麼,然後回報:)通常,您的代碼沒有任何明顯的錯誤。您可能需要刪除「cacheAsBitmap」,因爲這會導致額外的工作,除非您有一個複雜的形狀。這看起來像一個「試驗和錯誤」的方法,所以只是嘗試刪除一些東西,看看它是否正常工作 – 2014-10-19 00:11:11
@DanielMesSer謝謝你的幫助。遊戲實際上運行非常平穩,直到按下這些按鈕。 (包括建築運動)它然後滯後。在按下按鈕之前,我的口吃會有點週期性,但沒有任何不利之處。絕對不會像按下按鈕時那樣接近。我把建築物拿出來,遊戲看起來很棒。我將嘗試移動他們使用+ =而不是時間增加x,看看它是如何工作的。你能想到的其他方法嗎? – rtpenick 2014-10-19 01:53:08
@DanielMesSer使用+ =移動建築物x =原來是最差的10倍。當按下按鈕時,所有東西都會靜止不動。使用+ =方法取決於幀速率。如果談到一個立場仍然即時猜測按鈕正在減慢幀速率 – rtpenick 2014-10-19 02:10:51