我有以下字段的數據集:如何在SQL Server Reporting Services中的RunningValue函數中指定組?
Serialnumber, Dateofpayment, Paymentamount, Sourcecode and Campaign.
=RunningValue(Fields!PAYMENTAMOUNT.Value, SUM, "Campaign")
The Y expression for the chart 'Chart1' has a scope parameter that is not valid for RunningValue, RowNumber of Previous. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to the name of a containing group within the Tablix 'Chart1'.
我擡頭多個來源,我覺得我做的正確的事情,Campaign顯然是我的Tablix中的一個字段,我已經將它作爲字符串輸入。爲什麼發生錯誤? - 有人能幫我嗎?
什麼是你的問題? – Luv 2013-05-03 05:47:20
顯然,問題是爲什麼會發生錯誤? – JackReacher 2013-05-03 05:55:01
你的圖表中有哪些分組?你有「Campaign」分組嗎? – Jeroen 2013-05-03 06:10:10