2014-05-05 38 views


我有兩個問題,一個腳本這將是非常有用的,但我似乎我不明白它的功能。我想要的是:它應該只在.post-body中調整youtube和vimeo iframe的大小。


  1. 在文章頁面(項目類型頁)它會調整所有的視頻I幀這不僅在.POST體,但網頁上,例如在頁腳。頁:http://ildesign-blogger-demo-1.blogspot.fr/2014/04/1st-article.html

  2. 在存檔類型的網頁列表(按日期存檔),視頻不會在.POST體大小(但應該是),在頁腳沒有(這是確定)。頁:http://ildesign-blogger-demo-1.blogspot.fr/2014_04_01_archive.html

摘要: 所以,似乎我只是</body>標籤之前插入腳本我的腳本只適用於一種類型的頁面(項目)的,儘管事實上並沒有如果條件。 此外,它似乎影響(這是valide)頁面上的所有視頻,而不是僅在.post-body(我想要的)內的視頻。


<script type='text/javascript'> 
$(document).ready(function() { 

    // Find all YouTube and Vimeo videos, all types can be added with iframe integration 
    var $allVideos = $('iframe[src^="http://player.vimeo.com"], iframe[src^="//www.youtube.com"], object, embed'), $fluidEl = $('.post-body'); 

    // Figure out and save aspect ratio for each video 
    $allVideos.each(function() { 

      .attr('data-aspectRatio', this.height/this.width) 


    // When the window is resized 
    $(window).resize(function() { 

     var newWidth = $fluidEl.width(); 

     // Resize all videos according to their own aspect ratio 
     $allVideos.each(function() { 

      var $el = $(this); 
       .height(newWidth * $el.attr('data-aspectRatio')); 


    // Kick off one resize to fix all videos on page load 






(function (window, document, undefined) { 

    * Grab all iframes on the page or return 
    var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); 

    * Loop through the iframes array 
    for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) { 

    var iframe = iframes[i], 

     * RegExp, extend this if you need more players 
    players = /www.youtube.com|player.vimeo.com/; 

    * If the RegExp pattern exists within the current iframe 
    if (iframe.src.search(players) > 0) { 

     * Calculate the video ratio based on the iframe's w/h dimensions 
     var videoRatio  = (iframe.height/iframe.width) * 100; 

     * Replace the iframe's dimensions and position 
     * the iframe absolute, this is the trick to emulate 
     * the video ratio 
     iframe.style.position = 'absolute'; 
     iframe.style.top  = '0'; 
     iframe.style.left  = '0'; 
     iframe.width   = '100%'; 
     iframe.height   = '100%'; 

     * Wrap the iframe in a new <div> which uses a 
     * dynamically fetched padding-top property based 
     * on the video's w/h dimensions 
     var wrap    = document.createElement('div'); 
     wrap.className  = 'fluid-vids'; 
     wrap.style.width  = '100%'; 
     wrap.style.position = 'relative'; 
     wrap.style.paddingTop = videoRatio + '%'; 

     * Add the iframe inside our newly created <div> 
     var iframeParent  = iframe.parentNode; 
     iframeParent.insertBefore(wrap, iframe); 



})(window, document); 

重要說明:您必須將其原始寬度和高度的iframe插入像素(width="560" height="315"),腳本才能計算寬高比!