我有一個負責處理所有配置的類 - 從文件讀取配置,並獲取在index.php(+從那裏設置它們)中設置的基本配置變量。因此,我決定在這裏使用多態 - 我做了Config類抽象,並用FILE和VARIABLE類擴展了這個。多態 - 確保一切正確
不要在這裏冷落我 - 我只是不想在項目已經完成時發現它不是靈活的解決方案。
class Config {
private $file;
public static $configs = array();
* Initializes basic website configurations such as base URL, or the name
* of the index file.
* These values can be accessed through this class
public static function init($configs = array())
foreach($configs as $key => $value)
self::$configs[$key] = $value;
* Returns the configuration variable which is set in the index file
* @param string $attribute
* @return multitype:
public function __get($attribute)
return ($this->configs[$attribute]) ? $this->configs[$attribute] : -1;
* Setting path to the config file.
* @param string $module
private function __construct($module)
// Path to the config file
$path = APATH . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $module . '.php';
// Set the config file to the attribute here
$this->file = include $path;
* Return the object.
public static function factory($module)
return new Config($module);
* Loads configurations from the given file.
public function load($property)
// Return requested value
return $array[$property];
請發一些代碼嗎? – mauris
http://codereview.stackexchange.com可能是比較合適的網站。 –
誰最喜歡的問題是?的xD – user1615069