2017-10-21 69 views



import java.util.Scanner; 

public class Trip { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 

double flight, hotel, meals, tour, total, owes; 
String name1, name2; 
double Lisa, Bart; 
double input1, input2, input3, input4; 

Lisa = 1; 
Bart = 2; 

System.out.print("Enter the first name: "); 

name1 = keyboard.nextLine(); 

System.out.print("Enter the second name: "); 

name2 = keyboard.nextLine(); 

System.out.print("Enter cost of flights: "); 

flight = keyboard.nextDouble(); 

System.out.print("Who paid for the flights: Enter 1 for Lisa or 2 for Bart "); 
input1 = keyboard.nextInt(); 

System.out.print("Enter cost of hotel: "); 

hotel = keyboard.nextDouble(); 

System.out.print("Who paid for the hotel: Enter 1 for Lisa or 2 for Bart "); 

input2 = keyboard.nextInt(); 

System.out.print("Enter cost of tour: "); 

tour = keyboard.nextDouble(); 

System.out.print("Who paid for the tour: Enter 1 for Lisa or 2 for Bart "); 

input3 = keyboard.nextInt(); 

System.out.print("Enter cost of meals: "); 

meals = keyboard.nextDouble(); 

System.out.print("Who paid for the meals: Enter 1 for Lisa or 2 for Bart "); 

input4 = keyboard.nextInt(); 

total = flight + hotel + meals + tour; 

System.out.printf("Total bill for trip: %.2f \n", total); 

owes = total/2; 

System.out.printf("Each person owes: %.2f", owes); 



如果麗莎+巴特=總,然後巴特=總 - 麗莎。這是簡單的代數。你應該能夠應用這個來解決你的問題。 –


你好,我在開始時分配了Lisa = 1和Bart = 2,所以當我做Bart = total - Lisa時,它只是從總數中減去1。我想我的教授希望我使用if else語句,因爲其餘的問題都涉及到這個問題。你知道我將如何使用if else語句來處理這個問題嗎? – mattiewattie1



說你有兩個人最大西蒙。你可以使用你的邏輯來做下面的事情,你首先找到Max所欠的金額。然後找到西蒙所欠金額你只是用totalCost - amountMaxOwes

import java.util.Scanner; 

class Trip { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); 

    System.out.print("Enter the first name:"); 
    String nameOne = scanner.nextLine(); 

    System.out.print("Enter the second name:"); 
    String nameTwo = scanner.nextLine(); 

    System.out.print("Enter cost of flights:"); 
    double flightsCost = scanner.nextDouble(); 

    System.out.printf("Who paid for the flights? Enter 1 for %s or 2 for %s:", nameOne, nameTwo); 
    int whoPaidFlights = scanner.nextInt(); 

    System.out.print("Enter cost of hotel:"); 
    double hotelCost = scanner.nextDouble(); 

    System.out.printf("Who paid for the hotel? Enter 1 for %s or 2 for %s:", nameOne, nameTwo); 
    int whoPaidHotel = scanner.nextInt(); 

    System.out.print("Enter cost of tour:"); 
    double tourCost = scanner.nextDouble(); 

    System.out.printf("Who paid for the tour? Enter 1 for %s or 2 for %s:", nameOne, nameTwo); 
    int whoPaidTour = scanner.nextInt(); 

    System.out.print("Enter cost of meals:"); 
    double mealsCost = scanner.nextDouble(); 

    System.out.printf("Who paid for the meals? Enter 1 for %s or 2 for %s:", nameOne, nameTwo); 
    int whoPaidMeals = scanner.nextInt(); 

    double totalCost = flightsCost + hotelCost + tourCost + mealsCost; 
    System.out.printf("Total bill for trip: %.2f \n", totalCost); 

    // This stuff can be moved to a more appropriate place if you want to 
    double personOnePaid = 0; 
    if(whoPaidFlights == 1) personOnePaid += flightsCost; 
    if(whoPaidHotel == 1) personOnePaid += hotelCost; 
    if(whoPaidTour == 1) personOnePaid += tourCost; 
    if(whoPaidMeals == 1) personOnePaid += mealsCost; 

    double personTwoPaid = totalCost - personOnePaid; 

    System.out.printf("%s owes: %.2f \n", nameOne, personOnePaid); 
    System.out.printf("%s owes: %.2f \n", nameTwo, personTwoPaid); 


Enter the first name: Max 
Enter the second name: Simon 
Enter cost of flights: 299.34 
Who paid for the flights? Enter 1 for Max or 2 for Simon: 1 
Enter cost of hotel: 300.40 
Who paid for the hotel? Enter 1 for Max or 2 for Simon: 2 
Enter cost of tour: 55.00 
Who paid for the tour? Enter 1 for Max or 2 for Simon: 1 
Enter cost of meals: 314.15 
Who paid for the meals? Enter 1 for Max or 2 for Simon: 1 
Total bill for trip: 968.89 
Max owes: 668.49 
Simon owes: 300.40