我試圖實現一個存儲城市名稱的鏈接列表(雖然你會看到這個註釋掉,因爲我需要解決不能使用字符串和需要使用的問題一個原始數據類型,而不是聲明中),經度,緯度,當然還有一個指向鏈中下一個節點的指針。我是Visual C++環境的新手,今天編了幾個小時之後,我的大腦有些混亂,所以我想知道是否有人可以幫助解決我得到的兩個錯誤(忽略#include語法,因爲我必須更改它們以避免瀏覽器解釋HTML):鏈接列表實現幫助 - Visual C++
1>U08221.obj : error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A000298) "public: __thiscall Locations::Locations(void)" ([email protected]@[email protected]) referenced in function "int __clrcall main(cli::array^)" ([email protected]@[email protected]@@@Z) 1>U08221.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall Locations::Locations(void)" ([email protected]@[email protected]) referenced in function "int __clrcall main(cli::array^)" ([email protected]@[email protected]@@@Z)
#include <string>
struct locationNode
//char[10] nodeCityName;
double nodeLati;
double nodeLongi;
locationNode* Next;
class Locations
int size;
Locations(); // constructor for the class
locationNode* Head;
int Add(locationNode* Item);
// U08221.cpp : main project file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Locations.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int n = 0;
int x;
string cityNameInput;
bool acceptedInput = false;
int Locations::Add(locationNode *NewItem)
locationNode *Sample = new locationNode;
Sample = NewItem;
Sample->Next = Head;
Head = Sample;
return size++;
void CorrectCase(string name) // Correct upper and lower case letters of input
x = name.size();
int firstLetVal = name[0], letVal;
n = 1; // variable for name index from second letter onwards
if((name[0] >90) && (name[0] < 123)) // First letter is lower case
firstLetVal = firstLetVal - 32; // Capitalise first letter
name[0] = firstLetVal;
while(n <= x - 1)
if((name[n] >= 65) && (name[n] <= 90))
letVal = name[n] + 32;
name[n] = letVal;
cityNameInput = name;
void nameValidation(string name)
n = 0; // start from first letter
x = name.size();
if((name[n] >= 65) && (name[n] <= 122)) // is in the range of letters
while(n <= x - 1)
while((name[n] >=91) && (name[n] <=97)) // ERROR!!
cout << "Please enter a valid city name" << endl;
cin >> name;
else {
cout << "Please enter a valid city name" << endl;
cin >> name;
if(n <= x - 1)
acceptedInput = true;
cityNameInput = name;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
cout << "Enter a city name" << endl;
cin >> cityNameInput;
nameValidation(cityNameInput); // check is made up of valid characters
CorrectCase(cityNameInput); // corrects name to standard format of capitalised first letter, and lower case subsequent letters
cout << cityNameInput;
cin >> cityNameInput;
Locations *Parts = new Locations();
locationNode *Part;
Part = new locationNode;
//Part->nodeCityName = "London";
Part->nodeLati = 87;
Part->nodeLongi = 80;
這個問題爲什麼不使用'std :: list'和'std :: string'? – 2010-03-23 15:56:35
我們不允許在這個特殊的實例中使用庫定義的函數來處理面向對象的方面,它必須被自己硬編碼。 – ComethTheNerd 2010-03-23 15:59:21
不允許由誰?僅供參考,如果這是功課,習慣使用「家庭作業」標籤。 (當然,我們並不希望新來的人知道這些事情。)你會發現這裏的人會問這樣的問題,這很好解釋前面的問題。除此之外,你做對了:提供足夠的信息,提出明確的問題,展示你的工作,並監測問題。歡迎。 – 2010-03-23 16:40:02