在我的應用程序中有一個tableView &搜索欄。在沒有大小寫的情況下查找類似的字符串 - iPhone
現在,無論在搜索欄中的用戶類型 - 數據應該相應地過濾& tableView應重新加載。
我已經在我的應用程序的textField resignFirstResponder中實現了以下代碼。
[txt resignFirstResponder];
// on textfield resign searchData will be called
[self searchData];
return YES;
// N -> total elements & i for loop
NSInteger n=[CategoryDtlArray count],i;
//CategoryDtl is my custom class & it's objects are stored in my array
CategoryDtl *tmpCat;
// dtl string -> which is needed for comparison
NSString *dtl;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
// got the object from array
tmpCat=(CategoryDtl*)[CategoryDtlArray objectAtIndex:i];
// got the description from the object for comparison
dtl=[NSString stringWithString:tmpCat.Tip_Description];
// string to search
NSString *strSrch=[NSString stringWithString:txtSearch.text];
// now I don't know how to check my object's String
// is starting with search string or not?
// if it starts with search string -> it should be displayed in table
// else not.
// "How to implement this?"
// String comparison without case sensitivity
不區分大小寫的字符串比較 – 2009-08-20 16:41:26