#!/usr/bin/env python
#Half-Life 2 and Half-Life Dedicated Server Interface for Python
#Released under the LGPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html)
#Christopher Munn
#Based off (most code copied from) SRCDS.py by Sean C. Steeg
__author__ = 'Christopher Munn'
__license__ = 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html'
__date__ = '07 Mar 2006'
__version__ = '2.02'
__credits__ = """Sean C. Steeg for SRCDS.py 1.01.
Bryan Gerber, for the original HLDS.py.
The players and staff of TacticalGamer.com, who make us want to do stuff like this.
import socket, re, xdrlib, string, sys, os
from optparse import OptionParser
#Server Query Constants
DETAILS = "TSource Engine Query\x00"
#HL2 RCON Constants
RCON_EMPTY_RESP = (10,0,0,'','')
#HL1 RCON Constants
RCON_CHALLENGE = "challenge rcon\n"
# Network data manipulation
def hldsunpack_int(data):
Network traffic is big endian, and xdrlib wants little endian, meaning the
bytes need to be reversed in order for xdrlib to work its magic."""
s = ""
for c in data:
s = c + s
p = xdrlib.Unpacker(s)
return p.unpack_int()
def hldsunpack_float(data):
Network traffic is big endian, and xdrlib wants little endian, meaning the
bytes need to be reversed in order for xdrlib to work its magic."""
s = ""
for c in data:
s = c + s
p = xdrlib.Unpacker(s)
return p.unpack_float()
def hldspack_int(integer):
s = ""
p = xdrlib.Packer()
data = p.get_buffer()
for c in data:
s = c + s
return s
# Functions for reading packets
def read_byte(data):
return (ord(data[0]), data[1:])
def read_char(data):
return (str(data[0]), data[1:])
def read_string(data):
s = ''
i = 0
while 1:
if str(data[i]) != '\x00':
s = s + str(data[i])
i += 1
return (s, data[i+1:])
def read_int(data):
ret = hldsunpack_int(data[0:4])
return (ret, data[4:])
def read_float(data):
ret = hldsunpack_float(data[0:4])
return (ret, data[4:])
# Exceptions
class SRCDS_Error(Exception):
"""Base error."""
class RCON_Error(Exception):
"""Raised when a command requiring RCON is given, but the RCON password is missing or incorrect."""
# SRCDS class
class SRCDS:
HL2DS/HLDS Interface class. Supports HL2 and HL servers.
Initialization: OBJ = SRCDS(host, [port=27015], [rconpass=''], [timeout=2.0])
Note: timeout is in seconds. host may be ip or hostname
def __init__(self, host, port=27015, rconpass='', timeout=10.0):
self.ip, self.port, self.rconpass, self.timeout = socket.gethostbyname(host), port, rconpass, timeout
self.udpsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
self.tcpsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.udpsock.connect((self.ip, self.port))
self.challenge, self.rcon_challenege, self.req_id, self.hl = -1, 0, 0, 0
if self.rconpass:
# RCON Packet functions
def send_packet(self, command, string1, string2=''):
"""Crafts and sends a packet to the server."""
#Increment self.req_id, so all commands have unique id
self.req_id += 1
#Make the packet from the end going backwards
packet = string1 + '\x00' + string2 + '\x00'
#Add command
packet = hldspack_int(command) + packet
#Add request_id
packet = hldspack_int(self.req_id) + packet
#Add an int of the packet length
packet = hldspack_int(len(packet)) + packet
#Send packet to server
#Return req_id of packet
return self.req_id
def read_packet(self):
"""Parses a single response packet from the server."""
raw_packetlen = self.tcpsock.recv(4)
packetlen = hldsunpack_int(raw_packetlen)
raw_packet = self.tcpsock.recv(packetlen)
req_id = hldsunpack_int(raw_packet[0:4])
command = hldsunpack_int(raw_packet[4:8])
raw_packet = str(raw_packet[8:])
if len(raw_packet) == 2:
strs = ['', '']
strs = re.split('[\000]', raw_packet[:-1], 1)
return (packetlen, req_id, command, strs[0], strs[1])
def _authenticate_rcon(self):
if not self.rconpass: raise RCON_Error, 'Empty RCON password.'
if self.hl == 0:
if self.hl == 1:
def _authenticate_rcon_hl1(self):
self.rcon_challenge = self._any_response(RCON_CHALLENGE)[15:-2]
response = self._any_rcon_response_hl1('say')
if response == 'Bad rcon_password.':
raise RCON_Error, 'Invalid RCON password.'
def _authenticate_rcon_hl2(self):
self.tcpsock.connect((self.ip, self.port))
req_id = self.send_packet(SERVERDATA_AUTH, self.rconpass, '')
i = 0
while result != (10,req_id,SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE,'',''):
result = self.read_packet()
if result[1] == -1:
raise RCON_Error, 'Invalid RCON password.'
def _any_rcon_response(self, command):
This function returns the raw response for commands requiring RCON.
No parsing is done by this function.
if self.hl == 1:
return self._any_rcon_response_hl1(command)
return self._any_rcon_response_hl2(command)[3]
def _any_rcon_response_hl1(self, command):
query = "rcon " + self.rcon_challenge + ' "' + self.rconpass + '" ' + command
return self._any_response(query)[1:]
def _any_rcon_response_hl2(self, command):
req_id = self.send_packet(SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, command)
while result[1] != req_id:
result = self.read_packet()
return result
# RCON functions
def set_rconpass(self, password):
sets the rcon password after-the-fact, in case you did not specify
this in the constructor.
self.rconpass = password
def rcon_command(self, command):
executes any rcon command on the server.
return self._any_rcon_response(command)
def changelevel(self, map):
changes the map.
self._any_rcon_response('changelevel %s' %map)
def ban(self,steamid,length=0):
Bans a user with a given steamid; length given in minutes
self.rcon_command("banid %d %s" % (length,steamid))
def unban(self,steamid):
Unbans a user with a given steamid.
self.rcon_command("removeid %s" % steamid)
def say(self, statement):
cause the console to say something in-game to the players.
self._any_rcon_response('say %s' %statement)
def quit(self):
quits the server.
def restart(self):
restarts the server.
def version(self):
returns the version information for the host srcds server.
d = self.status()
return d['version']
def currentmap(self):
returns the current map that the server is running.
d = self.status()
return d['map']
def nplayers(self):
returns the number of players present on the server.
d = self.status()
return d['players']
def cvar(self, var):
returns the value of any public console variable.
raw_status = self._any_rcon_response(var)
val = re.match('^"(.*?)" = "(.*?)"', raw_status)
if val:
return val.group(2)
return None
def status(self):
returns two dictionaries: info, and player.
the info dictionary contains: map, version, players, slots, name, ip, port, fps, cpu_usage, in, out, users
player is a dictionary of dictionaries, keyed by the user id. Each dictionary is the status info on a player.
raw_status = self._any_rcon_response('status')
raw_stats = self._any_rcon_response('stats')
info = {}
lines = re.split("\n",raw_status)
line = lines.pop(0)
while (line == '' or line[0] != '#') and len(lines) != 0:
parts = line.split(":")
kw = parts[0].strip()
if kw == "version":
info['version'] = parts[1].strip()
elif kw == "map":
info['map'] = parts[1].split()[0]
elif kw == "udp/ip":
info['ip'] = parts[1].strip()
info['port'] = parts[2].strip()
elif kw == "hostname":
info['name'] = parts[1].strip()
elif kw == "players":
#players : 17 (24 max)
t = parts[1].split('(')
info['players'] = int(t[0])
info['slots'] = int(t[1].split()[0])
line = lines.pop(0)
keys = re.split(' +', line)
if self.hl == 1:
temp = keys[0]
keys[0] = keys[1]
keys[1] = temp
players = {}
for line in lines:
if line and line[0] == '#':
line = re.split('"', line, 3)
id = int(re.split(' +', line[0])[1])
players[id] = {}
players[id] [keys[1]] = line[1]
values = re.split(" +", line[2])
if self.hl == 1:
for i, key in enumerate(keys[2:]):
players[id][key] = values[i+1]
# now that we are finishing parsing through the status output, parse through
# the stats output.
lines = raw_stats.split('\n')
items = lines[1].split()
info['cpu_usage'] = items[0]
info['in'] = items[1]
info['out'] = items[2]
info['uptime'] = items[3]
info['users'] = items[4]
info['fps'] = items[5]
# finally, add whatever is in the details dictionary to our info dictionary.
d = self.details()
for k,v in d.iteritems(): info[k] = v
return (info,players)
# Query packet functions
def _any_response(self, query):
This assembles mult-packet responses and returns the raw response (sans the four \xFF's). No parsing is done by this function.
self.udpsock.send('\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF' + query)
data = self.udpsock.recv(4096)
if data[0] == '\xFE':
num_packets = ord(data[8]) & 15
packets = [' ' for i in range(num_packets)]
for i in range(num_packets):
if i != 0:
data = self.udpsock.recv(4096)
index = ord(data[8]) >> 4
packets[index] = data[9:]
data = ''
for i, packet in enumerate(packets):
data = data + packet
return data[4:]
# Queries
def getchallenge(self):
raw_challenge = self._any_response(GETCHALLENGE)
if raw_challenge[0] != CHALLENGE:
raise SRCDS_Error, 'GetChallenge Query Error: Unknown response type'
data = raw_challenge[1:]
self.challenge, data = read_int(data)
return self.challenge
def details(self):
raw_details = self._any_response(DETAILS)
if raw_details[0] == DETAILS_RESP_HL2:
self.hl = 2
return self._details_hl2(raw_details[1:])
elif raw_details[0] == DETAILS_RESP_HL1:
self.hl = 1
return self._details_hl1(raw_details[1:])
raise SRCDS_Error, 'Detail Query Error: Unknown response type'
def _details_hl2(self, data):
detaildict = {}
detaildict['hl_version'] = 2
detaildict['protocol_version'], data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['server_name'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['current_map'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['game_directory'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['game_description'], data = read_string(data)
aid1, data = read_byte(data)
aid2, data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['app_id'] = (aid1 * 0x100) + aid2
detaildict['current_playercount'], data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['max_players'], data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['current_botcount'], data = read_byte(data)
ded, data = read_char(data)
if ded == 'd':
detaildict['server_type'] = 'Dedicated'
detaildict['server_type'] = 'Listen'
os, data = read_char(data)
if os == 'w':
detaildict['server_os'] = 'Windows'
detaildict['server_os'] = 'Linux'
pworded, data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['passworded'] = bool(int(pworded))
secured, data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['secure'] = bool(int(secured))
detaildict['exe_version'], data = read_string(data)
return detaildict
def _details_hl1(self, data):
detaildict = {}
detaildict['hl_version'] = 1
detaildict['game_ip'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['server_name'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['current_map'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['game_directory'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['game_description'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['current_playercount'], data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['max_players'], data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['protocol_version'], data = read_byte(data)
ded, data = read_char(data)
if ded == 'd':
detaildict['server_type'] = 'Dedicated'
detaildict['server_type'] = 'Listen'
os, data = read_char(data)
if os == 'w':
detaildict['server_os'] = 'Windows'
detaildict['server_os'] = 'Linux'
pworded, data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['passworded'] = bool(int(pworded))
detaildict['ismod'], data = read_byte(data)
if detaildict['ismod'] == 1:
detaildict['mod_url_info'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['mod_url_dl'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['mod_unused'], data = read_string(data)
detaildict['mod_version'], data = read_int(data)
detaildict['mod_size'], data = read_int(data)
mod_svonly, data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['mod_svonly'] = bool(int(mod_svonly))
mod_cldll, data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['mod_cldll'] = bool(int(mod_cldll))
secured, data = read_byte(data)
detaildict['secure'] = bool(int(secured))
detaildict['current_botcount'], data = read_byte(data)
return detaildict
def players(self):
if self.challenge == -1:
raw_players = self._any_response(PLAYERS + hldspack_int(self.challenge))
if raw_players[0] != PLAYERS_RESP: raise SRCDS_Error, 'Player Query Error'
data = raw_players[1:]
playerlist = []
playercount, data = read_byte(data)
playercount = int(playercount)
while len(data) != 0:
currentplayer = {}
cn, data = read_byte(data)
currentplayer['index'] = int(cn)
currentplayer['name'], data = read_string(data)
currentplayer['frags'], data = read_int(data)
currentplayer['time_on'], data = read_float(data)
return playerlist
def rules(self):
if self.challenge == -1:
raw_rules = self._any_response(RULES + hldspack_int(self.challenge))
if raw_rules[0] != RULES_RESP: raise SRCDS_Error, 'Rules Query Error'
data = raw_rules[1:]
rulescount, data = read_byte(data)
rulescount = int(rulescount)
nada, data = read_byte(data) #placeholder to move up one byte
ruleslist = string.split(str(data), '\x00')
rulesdict = {}
for everyother in ruleslist[::2]:
rulesdict[everyother] = ruleslist[ruleslist.index(everyother) + 1]
return rulesdict
def disconnect(self):
# HLDS class (for backwards compatibility with HLDS.py)
class HLDS(SRCDS):
def close(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = OptionParser(usage="SRCDS.py -a ADDR -p RCONPASS [command]")
parser.add_option("-p",dest="rcon",default="",help="Specifies the rcon password")
parser.add_option("-a",dest="addr",default="",help="Specifies the address of the server to connect to")
(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
if not options.addr:
os.system(sys.argv[0] + " -h")
print("Connecting to %s with rcon password of %s" % (options.addr,options.rcon))
s = SRCDS(options.addr,rconpass=options.rcon)
if not args:
# run testing procedures
print("Testing module...")
sinfo,d = s.status()
for u in d:
print ("userid %d, name = %s" % (u,d[u]['name']))
print("Server name : " + sinfo['name'])
print("IP : %s" % sinfo['ip'])
print("Port : %s" % sinfo['port'])
print("FPS : %s" % sinfo['fps'])
print("CPU Usage : %s" % sinfo['cpu_usage'])
print("Server version : %s" % sinfo['version'])
print("Players present: %d" % sinfo['players'])
print("Number of slots: %d" % sinfo['slots'])
print("Map : " + sinfo['map'])
print("Passworded : " + str(sinfo['passworded']))
print("Secure : " + str(sinfo['secure']))
print("sv_gravity : " + s.cvar("sv_gravity"))
# run the rcon command that the user specified
print s.rcon_command(' '.join(args))
查看您發佈的文件底部的if語句。 parser.add_option()做你正在尋找的東西,但你需要添加邏輯來處理端口。 –