首先,您需要獲得對所需屬性的PropertyInfo的引用。您可以撥打Type.GetProperty(string name)來完成此操作。一旦你有了PropertyInfo的引用,你可以通過調用PropertyInfo.GetValue(Object obj, Object[] index)來獲得特定實例的值。
// Declare this as a Generic method of Type T so that we can pass in a
// List containing anything and easily get the appropriate Type object
public static IEnumerable<T> SelectNonNull<T>(
IEnumerable<T> ListItems, string propertyName)
IEnumerable<T> itemsFromList;
// Get a reference to the PropertyInfo for the property
// we're doing a null-check on.
PropertyInfo variable = typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName);
if (variable == null)
// The property does not exist on this item type:
// just return all items
itemsFromList = from item in ListItems
select item;
itemsFromList = from item in ListItems
// GetValue will check the value of item's
// instance of the specified property.
where variable.GetValue(item, null) != null
select item;
return itemsFromList;
var NonNullCountries = SelectNonNull(ListItems, "Countries");
var NonNullCities = SelectNonNull(ListItems, "cities");
public static IEnumerable<T> SelectNonNull<T>(
this IEnumerable<T> source,
string propertyName)
PropertyInfo variable = typeof(T).GetProperty(propertyName);
if (variable == null)
// Specified property does not exist on this item type:
//just return all items
return from item in source
select item;
return from item in source
where variable.GetValue(item, null) != null
select item;
var NonNullCitiesOrCountries = ListItems.SelectNonNull("Countries")
注: SelectNonNull剛剛返回IEnuerable。您仍然需要枚舉它以查看查詢的結果。
'Variable'與列表中的單個項目有什麼關係? – Groo
你的問題對我來說很不明確 - 你想達到什麼目的? – BrokenGlass
什麼是變量?變量和ListItems之間的聯繫是什麼? – ken2k