Scenario: I can create a new event
Given I am on "/event/new"
When I fill in the following:
| Title | Test Event |
| Event Details | Description |
And I check the "Active" option for "Published"
And I press "Save"
Then I should see "New event posted successfully!"
Form submit button for field with xpath
"(//html/.//*[self::input | self::textarea | self::select][not(./@type = 'submit'
or ./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'hidden')][(((./@id = 'Title' or ./@name = 'Title')
or ./@id = //label[contains(normalize-space(string(.)), 'Title')]/@for) or
./@placeholder = 'Title')] | .//label[contains(normalize-space(string(.)),
'Title')]//.//*[self::input | self::textarea | self::select][not(./@type = 'submit' or
./@type = 'image' or ./@type = 'hidden')])[1]"not found
In step `And I fill in the following:'.
所以我想這是errorin g在「標題」字段中,但錯誤消息意味着它正在尋找一個提交按鈕!?如果我將場景中的字段名稱更改爲不存在的字段名稱,我會得到期望的(並且更具可讀性的)「未找到字段」錯誤消息。
我已經縮小到包括在所述形式的JS腳本內的單個行: '變種Errorstring,則=「