2016-06-13 32 views

情況是,我有9個PayPal「添加到購物車」的獨特值,我試圖將其放置在由兩組radio buttons(每組中的三個單選按鈕)的組合決定的單個HTML input tag中。如何使用jQuery/JavaScript檢測多組單選按鈕更改並更改單獨的表單輸入?


<form id="prod_size"> 
<input type="radio" name="size" value="1">small</input> 
<input type="radio" name="size" value="4" checked="checked">medium</input> 
<input type="radio" name="size" value="16">large</input> 
<form id="prod_bundle"> 
<input type="radio" name="prod_bundle" value="single">single</input> 
<input type="radio" name="prod_bundle" value="double">double</input> 
<input type="radio" name="prod_bundle" value="triple" checked="checked">triple</input> 
<input id="cart_button_value" value="green"> 


$("#prod_size , #prod_bundle").on('change', function() { 
if ('#prod_size' == '1'){ 
    if ("#prod_bundle".value == 'single'){ 
     $("#cart_button_value").val = 'red'; 
    else if ("#prod_bundle".value == 'double'){ 
     $("#cart_button_value").val = 'green'; 
    else if ("#prod_bundle".value == 'triple'){ 
     $("#cart_button_value").val = 'blue'; 
else if ('#prod_size' == '4'){ 
    if ("#prod_bundle".value == 'single'){ 
     $("#cart_button_value").val = 'black'; 
    else if ("#prod_bundle".value == 'double'){ 
     $("#cart_button_value").val = 'white'; 
    else if ("#prod_bundle".value == 'triple'){ 
     $("#cart_button_value").val = 'gray'; 
else if ('#prod_size' == '16'){ 
    if ("#prod_bundle".value == 'single'){ 
     $("#cart_button_value").val = 'orange'; 
    else if ("#prod_bundle".value == 'double'){ 
     $("#cart_button_value").val = 'purple'; 
    else if ("#prod_bundle".value == 'triple'){ 
     $("#cart_button_value").val = 'pink'; 

'「#prod_bundle」 .value' ......我不認爲該行的工作,你也正在尋找像單人或雙人,你不要瓦爾斯沒有。 – DaniP


哎呀,謝謝。更正了我上面的單/雙/三的代碼。我錯誤地複製了兩次不同的嘗試。 您對「#prod_bundle」.value部分有任何建議嗎?這是我從其他地方從stackoverflow/exchange複製的東西,所以我不確定錯誤在哪裏。 – Jon8RFC


檢查https://jsfiddle.net/606468bu/的第一個值「small」 – DaniP



你的想法在某種程度上是正確的道路,但是在你的代碼中有很多錯誤。例如,"#prod_bundle".value不是有效的聲明。你沒有看到錯誤的唯一原因是你的第一級if語句在「onChange」函數中永遠不會評估爲真,因此它們內部的代碼永遠不會運行。這是因爲你正在比較兩個字符串,並且string:'#prod_size' == string:'1'永遠不可能相等。


// comments are in reference to the code OP posted 

// there is no need to fetch dom elements every time you need them 
// store them in variables when the need to use them arises 
var $prodSize = $('#prod_size') 
var $prodBundle = $('#prod_bundle') 
var $cartButton = $("#cart_button_value") 

// creating a separate function to handle the change 
// is not strictly necessary, but it makes things a bit cleaner 
function handleOnChange() { 

    // find the selected size option and get its value 
    // size will contain "1", "4", or "16" 
    var size = $prodSize.children(':checked').val() 
    // find the selected bundle option and get its value 
    // bundle will contain "single", "double", or "triple" 
    var bundle = $prodBundle.children(':checked').val() 
    // create a value variable to grab the desired color 
    // to insert into the "cart button" input. 
    var value = '' 
    // make comparisons, similar to what you were doing 
    // except now we are using variables 
    if (size == 1){ 
    if (bundle === 'single') value = 'red'; 
    else if (bundle === 'double') value = 'green'; 
    else if (bundle === 'triple') value = 'blue'; 
    } else if (size == 4){ 
    if (bundle === 'single') value = 'black'; 
    else if (bundle === 'double') value = 'white'; 
    else if (bundle === 'triple') value = 'gray'; 
    } else if (size == 16){ 
    if (bundle === 'single') value = 'orange'; 
    else if (bundle === 'double') value = 'purple'; 
    else if (bundle === 'triple') value = 'pink'; 
    // update the cart button input with whatever color was picked 

// attach the on change events 
$prodBundle.on('change', handleOnChange) 
$prodSize.on('change', handleOnChange) 

// trigger it for the first time 
<form id="prod_size"> 
<input type="radio" name="size" value="1">small</input> 
<input type="radio" name="size" value="4" checked="checked">medium</input> 
<input type="radio" name="size" value="16">large</input> 
<form id="prod_bundle"> 
<input type="radio" name="prod_bundle" value="single">one</input> 
<input type="radio" name="prod_bundle" value="double">two</input> 
<input type="radio" name="prod_bundle" value="triple" checked="checked">three</input> 
<input id="cart_button_value" value="green"> 
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.0.0.min.js" integrity="sha256-JmvOoLtYsmqlsWxa7mDSLMwa6dZ9rrIdtrrVYRnDRH0=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>



太棒了!感謝您的代碼中的詳細評論以及我自己的代碼中對失敗點的解釋。這是非常有用的,它完美的作品! – Jon8RFC


太棒了!請考慮標記此答案爲正確的(通過按此帖子左上角的灰色複選標記)。 –


我得到了另一個問題: 使用數據屬性來設置要顯示的輸入值,然後要求他們..

<form id="prod_size"> 
<input type="radio" name="size" value="one">small</input> 
<input type="radio" name="size" value="four" checked="checked">medium</input> 
<input type="radio" name="size" value="sixteen">large</input> 
<form id="prod_bundle"> 
<input type="radio" name="prod_bundle" value="single" data-one="red" data-four="black" data-sixteen="orange">single</input> 
<input type="radio" name="prod_bundle" value="double" data-one="green" data-four="white" data-sixteen="purple">double</input> 
<input type="radio" name="prod_bundle" value="triple" data-one="blue" data-four="gray" data-sixteen="pink" checked="checked">triple</input> 
<input input id="cart_button_value" value="green"/> 

以及JavaScript函數應該是這樣的.. 。


function changeInputVal(){ 
    var sizeSelected = $('input[name="size"]:checked', 'form#prod_size').val(); 
    var valueToInput = $('input[name="prod_bundle"]:checked', 'form#prod_bundle').data(sizeSelected); 



這是對我所遇到的問題的一個有趣的看法,而我不知道的事情是可能的。感謝您的新信息! – Jon8RFC