2016-10-16 93 views

我是一個jQuery新手,我設法得到一個slideDown()動畫來處理一些文本。但是,當我向文本添加鏈接(絕對或相對)時,它不再出現在頁面上。我究竟做錯了什麼?謝謝!!jQuery slideDown()不工作時,文本包括<a href>

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<title>Text Slide Animation</title> 

    <script type="text/javascript"> 
     function() { 
      $("#slideIn").html("<p> Coming off a long break after the 2014 &quot;Rebirth&quot; Album Salbakuta evolves yet again. 2016 sparked an all new birth of music and lyrics. Salbakuta (Charlie Mac, Mad Killah, and new member JawTee) brings a new flavor of music styles and beats. New producers like Mark Beats, Jawtee, and King Chase of New Dawn Music Group combine with Salbakuta&apos;s infectious lyrics have verified the return of this legendary Hip Hop group. </p> <p>Salbakuta has just released 3 new music videos on YouTube, (&quot;Biko&quot; Binibini Ko), (Wag iba ako nalang) and PinoyMyx (Wag kang Bitter). A small taste of the new album will be released soon on ITunes, Spotify, etc. It will be followed up with a full album under New Dawn Music Group, so standby for release dates. </p> <p>Salbakuta is now headlining shows and performing small concerts in preparation for the new album. You can catch them doing guest appearances on your local radio and TV stations. For more info on upcoming shows, events, and bookings <a href="#touch">get in touch</a> with us below.</p> <p>Salbakuta is a <b>New Dawn Music Group</b> artist</p>").slideDown('slow'); 



<div id="slideIn"></div> 

<p id="touch">Get In Touch</p> 



好的沒關係 - 我在我的href目的地附近使用了雙引號而不是單引號。在我想弄明白之前,我會在這裏問一個問題。哦,也許這會幫助別人:P –


Plz爲你的問題添加一個答案,以便其他人可以很容易地找到解決方案 – rafaelcastrocouto



由於您使用在.html()方法HTML內容,雙引號,使用單引號<a href=:用於將內容添加到#slideIn使用.append

<a href='#touch'> 
