2015-05-19 44 views

我收到此運行時錯誤「指定集合中的索引超出範圍」。Excel VBA - 從表格中刪除對象觸發器運行時錯誤

目標是從我的工作表中刪除所有對象。 我正在使用下面的代碼很長一段時間,它突然開始觸發錯誤之前,它工作正常。

Dim obj As Shape 

For Each obj In .Shapes 
Next obj 


'Delete all objects on sheet 
For i = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Req Raw").Shapes.count To 1 Step -1 
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Req Raw").Shapes(i).Delete 





Private Sub R2OK_Click() 
'~~~> Variables 
'Table Formatting Variables 
Dim HC As Integer 
Dim RID As Range 
Dim RCount As Range 
Dim RC As Integer 
Dim RCon As Range 
Dim RCon2 As Range 
Dim CCount As Range 
'Destination Cell 
Dim MCell As Range 
'End Rows 
Dim EndR As Range 
Dim cacheR As Range 
'Object deletion 
Dim obj As Shape 
'ID Req Raw Rows 
Dim SecT As Range 
Dim IDCount As Integer 
Dim IDF As String 
'Values List 
Dim VSection As Range 
Dim VName As Range 
Dim VType As Range 
Dim VID As Range 

'~~~> Set Active Sheet to Req Raw 
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Req Raw") 

'~~~> Paste DRS from Clipboard to empty row 
    'Find next empty row 
    HC = 2 
    For Each RCount In Range("'Req Raw'!$A$" & HC & ":$A$50000") 
     If RCount.Value <> 0 And RCount.Value <> "" Then 
      HC = HC + 1 
     ElseIf RCount = 0 Or RCCount = "" Then 
      Exit For 
     End If 
    Next RCount 

    'Paste into empty cell 
    ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Req Raw").Range("$B$" & HC) 
    'Clear clipboard 
    Application.CutCopyMode = False 
    'Unmerge cells 
    'Delete all objects on sheet 
    For i = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Req Raw").Shapes.count To 1 Step -1 
     ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Req Raw").Shapes(i).Delete '~~~PROBLEM LINE~~~ 
    'For Each obj In .Shapes 
    'Next obj 

    'Find empty header columns and consolidate column contents where contents are marked by borders 
    For Each CCount In Range("'Req Raw'!$AB$2:$B$2") 
     If CCount.Value = "" Or CCount.Value = 0 Then 
      For Each RCon In .Range(.Cells(3, CCount.Column), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.count, CCount.Column).End(xlUp).Row, CCount.Column)) 
       If RCon.Value <> "" And RCon.Value <> 0 Then 
        'Check to see that a cell within the word table row has not been split. If so, move cell contents to the cell above before merging across 
        If RCon.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle <> xlNone Then 
        ElseIf RCon.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone Then 
         For Each RCon2 In .Range(.Cells(RCon.Offset(1).Row, CCount.Column), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.count, CCount.Column).End(xlUp).Row, CCount.Column)) 
          If RCon2.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle <> xlNone Then 
           If RCon2.Value <> "" And RCon2.Value <> 0 Then 
            RCon.Value = RCon.Value & vbNewLine & RCon2.Value 
           End If 
           Exit For 
          ElseIf RCon2.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone And RCon2.Value <> "" And RCon2.Value <> 0 Then 
           RCon.Value = RCon.Value & vbNewLine & RCon2.Value 
          End If 
         Next RCon2 
        End If 
       End If 
      Next RCon 
      'If next column is a header column, check to see if data needs to be moved in that column 
      If CCount.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value <> "" And CCount.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value <> 0 Then 
       Set RCon = Nothing 
       Set RCon2 = Nothing 
       For Each RCon In .Range(.Cells(3, CCount.Column), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.count, CCount.Column).End(xlUp).Row, CCount.Column)) 
        If RCon.Value <> "" And RCon.Value <> 0 Then 
         'Check to see that a cell within the word table row has not been split. If so, move cell contents to the cell above before merging across 
         If RCon.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle <> xlNone Then 
         ElseIf RCon.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone Then 
          For Each RCon2 In .Range(.Cells(RCon.Offset(1).Row, CCount.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Column), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.count, CCount.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Column).End(xlUp).Row, CCount.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Column)) 
           If RCon2.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle <> xlNone Then 
            If RCon2.Value <> "" And RCon2.Value <> 0 Then 
             RCon.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value = RCon.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value & vbNewLine & RCon2.Value 
            End If 
            Exit For 
           ElseIf RCon2.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone And RCon2.Value <> "" And RCon2.Value <> 0 Then 
            RCon.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value = RCon.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value & vbNewLine & RCon2.Value 
           End If 
          Next RCon2 
         End If 
        End If 
       Next RCon 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next CCount 

    'Find empty header columns and move data from left to right until header is not blank, while deleting empty cells 
    Set CCount = Nothing 
    Set RCon = Nothing 
    For Each CCount In Range("'Req Raw'!$AB$2:$B$2") 
     If CCount.Value = "" Or CCount.Value = 0 Then 
      For Each RCon In .Range(.Cells(3, CCount.Column), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.count, CCount.Column).End(xlUp).Row, CCount.Column)) 
       If RCon.Value <> "" And RCon.Value <> 0 Then 
        RCon.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value = RCon.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value & vbNewLine & RCon.Value 
        If CCount.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value <> "" And CCount.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value <> 0 Then 
         RCon.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value = RCon.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value & vbNewLine 
        End If 
       End If 
      Next RCon 
     End If 
    Next CCount 

    ''Row Management Begins 
    Set CCount = Nothing 
    Set RCon = Nothing 
    RC = HC + 1 
    'Check for empty row between header and first testcase 
    Set RID = Range("'Req Raw'!$B$" & RC) 
    If RID = "" Or RID = 0 Then 
     For Each CCount In Range("'Req Raw'!$B$2:$AB$2") 
      If CCount.Offset(1).Value <> "" And CCount.Offset(1).Value <> 0 Then 
      CCount.Value = CCount.Value & vbNewLine & CCount.Offset(1).Value 
      End If 
      If CCount.Value = 0 Or CCount.Value = "" Then Exit For 
     Next CCount 
     Set CCount = Nothing 
    End If 
    Set RID = Range("'Req Raw'!$B$" & RC) 
    Loop Until RID <> "" And RID <> 0 
    'Loop for each Test Case 
    Do Until RC = 0 

     'Find end row (end of requirement) 
     For Each EndR In Range("'Req Raw'!$B$" & (RC + 1) & ":$B$" & (RC + 101)) 
      If EndR <> "" And EndR <> 0 Then Exit For 
      If EndR.Row = RC + 101 Then 
       Set cacheR = Range("'Values'!$B$3") 

       For Each CCount In Range("'Req Raw'!$B$2:$AB$2") 
        cacheR.Offset(columnOffset:=1).Value = Worksheets("Req Raw").Cells(Rows.count, CCount.Column).End(xlUp).Row 
        cacheR = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(cacheR.Value, cacheR.Offset(columnOffset:=1).Value) 
        'If CCount (Header) is blank, then exit 
        If CCount.Value = 0 Or CCount.Value = "" Then Exit For 
       Next CCount 
       Set EndR = Range("'Req Raw'!$A$" & cacheR.Value) 
       Exit For 
      End If 
     Next EndR 
     Set CCount = Nothing 
     'Consolidate cell contents (rows) 
      'For Each Column 
      For Each CCount In Range("'Req Raw'!$B$2:$AB$2") 
      'Where CCount (Header) is not blank 
       If CCount.Value <> 0 And CCount.Value <> "" Then 
        'Set destination cell in CCount column 
        Set MCell = Sheets("Req Raw").Cells(RC, CCount.Column) 
        'For Each cell in CCount Column within RC (Header) + 1 and EndR Row (Next Header) - 1 
        For Each RCon In .Range(.Cells(RC, CCount.Column), .Cells(EndR.Row - 1, CCount.Column)) 
        'Range ("'Req Raw'!" & CCount.Columns(1) & (RC + 1) & ":" & CCount.Columns(1) & (EndR.Row - 1)) 
         'Skip if RCon = MCell 
         If MCell.Value = RCon.Value Then 
         'Skip if this cell and the next are blank 
         ElseIf (RCon.Value = 0 Or RCon.Value = "") And (RCon.Offset(1).Value = 0 Or RCon.Offset(1).Value = "") Then 
         'Add cell contents to MCell 
         Else: MCell.Value = MCell.Value & vbNewLine & RCon.Value 
         End If 
        Next RCon 
       'If CCount (Header) is blank, then exit 
       ElseIf CCount.Value = 0 Or CCount.Value = "" Then 
        Exit For 
       End If 
      Next CCount 
     'Delete extra rows 
     If RC + 1 = EndR.Row Then 
     ElseIf RC + 1 <> EndR.Row Then Range("'Req Raw'!$A$" & (RC + 1) & ":$A$" & (EndR.Row - 1)).EntireRow.Delete 
     End If 
     'Set up for next test case 
     RC = RC + 1 
      'Primary Loop Exit 
     If Range("'Req Raw'!$B$" & RC).Value = "" Then Exit Do 
'~~~> For Each Row 
'~~~> ID Row (offset by 2 columns) with SectionTitle (Cache A3) + ID starting with 0 on the header 
Set RID = Nothing 
Set SecT = Range("'Values'!$A$3") 
Set RCount = .Range(.Cells(HC, 2), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.count, 2).End(xlUp).Row, 2)) 
IDCount = 0 

For Each RID In RCount 
    'ID Req rows 
    IDF = CStr(IDCount) 
    IDF = Format(IDF, "0000") 
    RID.Offset(columnOffset:=-1).Value = SecT.Value & " " & IDF 
'~~~> Add ID, ReqName, Section to Values sheet where if ID is 0 then Type = Folder 
     Set VSection = Worksheets("Values").Cells(Worksheets("Values").Cells(Rows.count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 2) 
     Set VName = Worksheets("Values").Cells(Worksheets("Values").Cells(Rows.count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 3) 
     Set VType = Worksheets("Values").Cells(Worksheets("Values").Cells(Rows.count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 4) 
     Set VID = Worksheets("Values").Cells(Worksheets("Values").Cells(Rows.count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 5) 
    'Row = Header where IDCount = 0 
     If IDCount = 0 Then 
     VSection.Value = SecT.Value 
     VName.Value = SecT.Value 
     VType.Value = "Folder" 
     VID.Value = IDCount 
    'Row <> Header where IDCount > 0 
     ElseIf IDCount > 0 Then 
     VSection.Value = SecT.Value 
      If InStr(1, RID.Offset(columnOffset:=1).Value, vbCrLf) <> 0 And (InStr(1, RID.Offset(columnOffset:=1).Value, vbCrLf) - 1) >= 10 Then 
       VName.Value = RID.Value & " " & Left(RID.Offset(columnOffset:=1).Value, InStr(1, RID.Offset(columnOffset:=1).Value, vbCrLf) - 1) 
      Else: VName.Value = RID.Value & " " & RID.Offset(columnOffset:=1).Value 
      End If 
      VName.Value = Replace(VName.Value, vbCrLf, " ") 
      VName.Value = Replace(VName.Value, " ", " ") 
     VName.WrapText = False 
     VID.Value = IDCount 
     End If 
    IDCount = IDCount + 1 
Next RID 

'~~~> Sort DRS by ID 
.Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, .Cells(2, Columns.count).End(xlUp).Column)).Sort key1:=.Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1)), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo 
'~~~> Sort Values sheet range by ID 
With Worksheets("Values") 
.Range(.Cells(15, 2), .Cells(50000, 12)).Sort key1:=.Range(.Cells(15, 2), .Cells(50000, 2)), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo 
End With 

End With 
'~~~> Reset 
Unload Me 
Unload ReqUploadForm 

'~~~> Clear Cache 
Dim Cache As Range 
Set Cache = Range("'Values'!$A$3:$D$12") 

End Sub


它不應該發生。我可以看看你的工作簿嗎? –


添加的代碼導致問題 – ssoong


不,我想查看您的工作簿。我想檢查這些形狀 –




'Delete all objects on sheet 
For i = .Shapes.count To 1 Step -1 