2017-10-28 50 views




我已經調整了this function了一點,所以它也包括時間差:

function dateDiff(start, end) { 
    var diff = { years: 0, months: 0, days: 0 }; 
    var timeDiff = end - start; 

    if (timeDiff > 0) { 
    diff.years = end.getFullYear() - start.getFullYear(); 
    diff.months = end.getMonth() - start.getMonth(); 
    diff.days = end.getDate() - start.getDate(); 
    diff.hours = end.getHours() - start.getHours(); 
    if (diff.months < 0) { 
     diff.months += 12; 

    if (diff.days < 0) { 
     diff.months = Math.max(0, diff.months - 1); 
     diff.days += 30; 
    if (diff.hours < 0) { 
     diff.days = Math.max(0, diff.days - 1); 
     diff.hours += 24; 


    return diff; 


function onEdit() { 
    // This section returns if you're not on the SBC/HP spreadsheet. 
    var sheet = "SBC/HP"; 

    var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); 
    var r = s.getActiveCell(); 
    // if r is in column h { do the rest } 
    if(r.getColumn() != 11){ 
    var row = r.getRow(); 
    var previousDate = new Date(s.getRange(row, 11).getValue()); //getting the timestamp of the previous change. Looks like the year should be YYYY, not YY as it is now 
    var time = new Date(); 
    var timeDiff = dateDiff(previousDate, time); //calculating time difference in a separate function 
    time = Utilities.formatDate(time, "GMT-05:00", "MM/dd/yy, hh:mm:ss"); 
    s.getRange(row, 12).setValue(timeDiff.years + ' years ' + timeDiff.months + ' months ' + timeDiff.days + ' days ' + timeDiff.hours + ' hours'); //pasting time difference in some format in a separate cell 
    s.getRange('K' + row.toString()).setValue(time); 



a-change,對不起,回來這麼晚,但這個工作得很好。我只對時間格式進行了一些更改,只包括日,小時和分鐘。 –


聯合Stackdriver LoggingonEdit()。然後使用Log Filters和/或Log Exporting來提取INFO日誌的時間戳。

function onEdit (e) { 
    var message = e.range.getA1Notation() + " changed to " + e.value; 


獲取對項目的腳本編輯器Log ViewerView > Stackdriver Logging。從這裏您可以篩選出console.info()消息,並從包含Stackdriver Logging消息中的相同e.range.getA1Notation()的時間戳中獲取時間差。

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