2011-04-01 53 views

將Windows Forms應用程序從.NET 1.1框架升級到.NET 3.5框架時,我遇到了RSACryptoServiceProvider問題。在數據庫中,我存儲了包含加密簽名(SHA1哈希)的二進制文件,並且我有一個存儲在文件系統中的公鑰作爲包含十六進制字符串的文本文檔。在從文件系統讀取文件並獲取證書中的公鑰時,我沒有任何問題。RSACryptoServiceProvider.ImportParameters拋出System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException:錯誤數據




System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Bad Data. 

    at System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException.ThrowCryptogaphicException(Int32 hr) 
    at System.Security.Cryptography.Utils._ImportKey(SafeProvHandle hCSP, Int32 keyNumber, CspProviderFlags flags, Object cspObject, SafeKeyHandle& hKey) 
    at System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.ImportParameters(RSAParameters parameters) 

源代碼,其中,直到該錯誤: // ---------------------- -------------------------------------------- * //驗證證書。 * // ---------------------------------------------- -------------------- *

  // verify the CA certificate (output = public key van CA) 
      byte[] lv_PkCA = VerifyCertificate(byte[], in_PkEUR); 

      // verify the VU certificate (output = public key van VU) 
      byte[] lv_PkVU = VerifyCertificate(byte[], lv_PkCA); 

      // Verify the signatures 

      // calculate hash with the SHA1 algorithm 
      SHA1 lv_HashAlgoritm = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); 

      byte[] lv_Modulus = new byte[128]; 
      byte[] lv_Exponent = new byte[8]; 
      Buffer.BlockCopy(lv_PkVU, lv_PkVU.Length - 128 - 8, lv_Modulus , 0, lv_Modulus.Length); 
      Buffer.BlockCopy(lv_PkVU, lv_PkVU.Length - 8  , lv_Exponent, 0, lv_Exponent.Length); 

      // init RSA parameters 
      RSAParameters lv_RSAKeyInfo = new RSAParameters(); 
      lv_RSAKeyInfo.Modulus = lv_Modulus; 
      lv_RSAKeyInfo.Exponent = lv_Exponent; 

      // init RSA algoritme 
      RSACryptoServiceProvider lv_RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); 


private byte[] VerifyCertificate(
    byte[] in_Certificate, 
    byte[] in_PublicKey) 
    byte[] lv_CHR  = new byte[8]; 
    byte[] lv_Modulus = new byte[128]; 
    byte[] lv_Exponent = new byte[8]; 
    Buffer.BlockCopy(in_PublicKey, in_PublicKey.Length - 128 - 8 - 8, lv_CHR  , 0, lv_CHR.Length); 
    Buffer.BlockCopy(in_PublicKey, in_PublicKey.Length - 128 - 8 , lv_Modulus , 0, lv_Modulus.Length); 
    Buffer.BlockCopy(in_PublicKey, in_PublicKey.Length - 8   , lv_Exponent, 0, lv_Exponent.Length); 

    byte[] lv_Signature = new byte[128]; 
    byte[] lv_Cn  = new byte[58]; 
    byte[] lv_CAR  = new byte[8]; 
    Buffer.BlockCopy(in_Certificate, 0, lv_Signature, 0, lv_Signature.Length); 
    Buffer.BlockCopy(in_Certificate, 128, lv_Cn  , 0, lv_Cn.Length); 
    Buffer.BlockCopy(in_Certificate, 186, lv_CAR  , 0, lv_CAR.Length); 

    for (int lv_Index = 0; lv_Index < lv_CAR.Length; lv_Index++) 
     if (lv_CAR[lv_Index] != lv_CHR[lv_Index]) 
      throw new Exception("Validation error: CAR not in public key."); 

    BigInteger lv_BiModulus = new BigInteger(lv_Modulus); 
    BigInteger lv_BiExponent = new BigInteger(lv_Exponent); 
    BigInteger lv_BiSignature = new BigInteger(lv_Signature); 
    byte[] lv_Sr = lv_BiSignature.modPow(lv_BiExponent, lv_BiModulus).getBytes(lv_Signature.Length); 

    if (lv_Sr.Length != 128) 
     throw new Exception("The certificate coult not be validated: size of signature should be 128 bytes."); 
    if ((lv_Sr[0] != (byte)0x6A) || 
     (lv_Sr[127] != (byte)0xBC)) 
     throw new Exception("The certificate coult not be validated: invalid format."); 

    byte[] lv_Cr = new byte[106]; 
    byte[] lv_H = new byte[20]; 
    Buffer.BlockCopy(lv_Sr, 1, lv_Cr, 0, lv_Cr.Length); 
    Buffer.BlockCopy(lv_Sr, 107, lv_H , 0, lv_H.Length); 

    byte[] lv_C = new byte[164]; 
    Buffer.BlockCopy(lv_Cr, 0, lv_C, 0, lv_Cr.Length); 
    Buffer.BlockCopy(lv_Cn, 0, lv_C, 106, lv_Cn.Length); 

    // bereken de Hash van de public key 
    SHA1CryptoServiceProvider lv_SHA1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); 
    byte[] lv_Hash = lv_SHA1.ComputeHash(lv_C); 

    // vergelijk de berekende hash met de hash in het certificaat 
    if (lv_Hash.Length != lv_H.Length) 
     throw new Exception("The certificate coult not be verified: hash length invalid."); 
    for (int lv_Index = 0; lv_Index < lv_Hash.Length; lv_Index++) 
     if (lv_Hash[lv_Index] != lv_H[lv_Index]) 
      throw new DiantaException("The certificate coult not be verified: hash not invalid."); 

    return lv_C; 




請張貼您的代碼 – Predator 2011-04-03 04:54:18


完成後,請指教。 – 2011-04-04 07:01:48


嗨,我打算提供幫助,但你的問題超出了我的專業知識。對不起,關於那個:( – Predator 2011-04-04 16:35:59




您可能使用的指數爲65537(99%的RSA密鑰對使用該指數),因此lv_RSAKeyInfo.Exponent{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1}



我聽說'3'也被使用過很多 – 2011-04-04 19:35:25


@BlueRaja:'3'在幾年前被普遍使用,但它在某些應用中有一些弱點,所以今天我幾乎沒有看到任何東西但'65537'。 – 2011-04-04 19:53:36


謝謝,這可以幫助我! – 2011-04-05 07:18:53