2015-10-11 99 views



if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { // If the form was submitted, process it. 

    //function to validate password 
    function validatePassword($pass1,$pass2) { 
    if($pass1 === $pass2) 
      $msg = "Passwords match!"; 
      $msg = "Passwords do not match!"; 
     return $msg; 

    // Check the username. 
    if (preg_match ("^[[:alnum:]]+$", $_POST['username'])) { 
     $a = TRUE; 
    } else { 
     $a = FALSE; 
     $message[] = "Please enter a username that consists only of letters and numbers."; 

    // Check to make sure the password is long enough and of the right format. 
    if (preg_match ("^[[:alnum:]]{8,16}$", $_POST['pass1'])) { 
      $b = TRUE; 
    } else { 
      $b = FALSE; 
      $message[] = "Please enter a password that consists only of letters and numbers, between 8 and 16 characters long.";  

    // Check to make sure the password matches the confirmed password. 
    if ($_POST['pass1'] == $_POST['pass2']) { 
      $c = TRUE; 
      $password = crypt ($_POST['pass1']); // Encrypt the password. 
    } else { 
      $c = FALSE; 
      $message[] = "The password you entered did not match the confirmed password."; 

    // Check to make sure they entered a valid email address. 
    if (preg_match ("^([[:alnum:]]|_|\.|-)[email protected]([[:alnum:]]|\.|-)+(\.)([a-z]{2,4})$", $_POST['email'])) { 
      $d = TRUE; 
    } else { 
      $d = FALSE; 
      $message[] = "Please enter a valid email address."; 

    // If the data passes all the tests, check to ensure a unique member name, then register them. 
    if ($a AND $b AND $c AND $d) { 

     if ($fp = @fopen ("../writeable/users.txt", "r")) { // Open the file for reading. 

      while (!feof($fp) AND !$user_found) { // Loop through each line checking, each username. 
       $read_data = fgetcsv ($fp, 1000, "\t"); // Read the line into an array. 
       if ($read_data[0] == $_POST['username']) { 
        $user_found = TRUE; 
      fclose ($fp); // Close the file. 

      if (!$user_found) { // If the username is OK, register them. 

       if ($fp2 = @fopen ("../users.txt", "a")) { // Open the file for writing. 
        $write_data = $_POST['username'] . "\t" . $password . "\t" . $_POST['first_name'] . "\t" . $_POST['last_name'] . "\t" . $_POST['email'] . "\t" . $_POST['birth_month'] . "-" . $_POST['birth_day'] . "-" . $_POST['birth_year'] . "\n"; 
        fwrite ($fp2, $write_data); 
        fclose ($fp2); 
        $message = urlencode ("You have been successfully registered."); 
        header ("Location: homepage.php?message=$message"); // Send them on their way. 
       } else { 
        $message[] = "Could not register to the user's file! Please contact the Webmaster for more information.<br />";   
      } else { 
       $message[] = "That username is already taken. Please select another.";   

     } else { // If it couldn't open the file, print an error message. 
      $message[] = "Could not read the user's file! Please contact the Webmaster for more information.<br />"; 

} // End of Submit if. 
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
// Print out any error messages. 
if ($message) { 
    echo "<div align=\"left\"><font color=red><b>The following problems occurred:</b><br />\n"; 
    foreach ($message as $key => $value) { 
     echo "$value <br />\n"; 
    echo "<p></p><b>Be sure to re-enter your passwords!</b></font></div><br />\n"; 
<form action="" method="POST"> 
<table border="0" width="90%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" align="center"> 
     <td align="right">Username</td> 
     <td align="left"><input type="text" name="username" size="25" maxsize="16" value="<?=$_POST['username'] ?>"></td> 
     <td align="left"><small>Maximum of 16 characters, stick to letters and numbers, no spaces, underscores, hyphens, etc.</small></td> 
     <td align="right">Password</td> 
     <td align="left"><input type="password" name="pass1" size="25"></td> 
     <td align="left"><small>Minimum of 8 characters, maximum of 16, stick to letters and numbers, no spaces, underscores, hyphens, etc.</small></td> 
     <td align="right">Confirm Password</td> 
     <td align="left"><input type="password" name="pass2" size="25"></td> 
     <td align="left"><small>Should be the same as the password.</small></td> 
     <td align="right">Email Address</td> 
     <td align="left"><input type="text" name="email" size="25" maxsize="60" value="<?=$_POST['email'] ?>"></td> 
     <td align="left"><small>Use whichever email address you want to receive notices at.</small></td> 
     <td align="center" colspan="3"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Register!"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <input type="reset" name="Reset" value="Reset"></td> 


The following problems occurred: 
Please enter a username that consists only of letters and numbers. 
Please enter a password that consists only of letters and numbers, between 8 and 16 characters long. 
Please enter a valid first name. 
Please enter a valid last name. 
Please enter a valid email address. 
Be sure to reenter your passwords and your birth date! 



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
    <title>Home Page</title> 
<?php # Script 4.2 
if ($message) { 
    $message = urldecode($message); 
    echo "<div align=\"left\"><font color=blue><b>$message</b></font></div><br></br>\n";  

你的代碼是過時的並已爲*年*。首先編寫尚未刪除或棄用的代碼,並觀察發生的情況。 –


@JohnConde什麼代碼已過時?對不起,我對PHP很陌生,只是學習了這一切。 – still2blue


我的眼睛在看到這個刪除或不贊成的代碼* _ *之後出血。我必須說,請停止使用PHP 4: - | –




$ _POST 











我編輯了我原來的帖子。這當然有幫助,但我仍然必須在某個地方有錯誤。 – still2blue


那麼,您只需在驗證信息顯示時填寫有效的輸入。 –


我是。我遵循標準。它將用戶名和電子郵件保存在已填寫的字段中,但我必須不斷輸入密碼,並且據我所知,在我點擊提交時沒有任何事情發生。 – still2blue