2015-12-30 19 views



data Cursor = Cursor { 
    position :: Int, 
    line  :: Int, 
    column :: Int 
} deriving (Eq, Show) 

isNewline :: Char -> Bool 
isNewline c = c == '\n' 

onNewline :: T.Text -> Int -> Bool 
onNewline buf pos 
    | pos >= T.length buf = False 
    | otherwise   = isNewline $ T.index buf pos 

findIndex :: (Char -> Bool) -> T.Text -> Int -> Maybe Int 
findIndex pred buf pos 
    | buf == T.empty = Just 0 
    | otherwise  = rightWhile pos 
    where rightWhile pos 
      | pos > bufMax buf  = Nothing 
      | pred $ T.index buf pos = Just pos 
      | otherwise    = rightWhile (pos + 1) 

findIndexLeft :: (Char -> Bool) -> T.Text -> Int -> Maybe Int 
findIndexLeft pred buf pos = leftWhile pos 
    where leftWhile pos 
      | pos < 0    = Nothing 
      | pred $ T.index buf pos = Just pos 
      | otherwise    = leftWhile (pos - 1) 

startOfLine :: T.Text -> Int -> Int 
startOfLine buf pos = case findIndexLeft isNewline buf (pos - 1) of 
    Nothing -> 0 
    Just p -> p + 1 

endOfLine :: T.Text -> Int -> Int 
endOfLine buf pos = case findIndex isNewline buf pos of 
    Nothing -> 1 + bufMax buf 
    Just p -> p 

lineOffset :: T.Text -> Int -> Int 
lineOffset buf pos = pos - startOfLine buf pos 

lineLength :: T.Text -> Int -> Int 
lineLength buf pos = endOfLine buf pos - startOfLine buf pos 

bufMax :: T.Text -> Int 
bufMax buf = max 0 $ T.length buf - 1 

bufLines :: T.Text -> Int 
bufLines = T.foldl (\acc c -> if isNewline c then (acc+1) else acc) 0 

moveCursorRight :: T.Text -> Cursor -> Cursor 
moveCursorRight buf [email protected](Cursor pos line col) 
    | buf == T.empty = c 
    | otherwise  = Cursor newPos newLine newCol 
    where end  = 1 + bufMax buf 
     onEnd  = pos == end 
     newPos = clip (pos + 1) 0 end 
     newLine = if onNewline buf pos && not onEnd 
        then line + 1 
        else line 
     newCol = lineOffset buf newPos 

moveCursorLeft :: T.Text -> Cursor -> Cursor 
moveCursorLeft buf (Cursor pos line col) = 
    Cursor newPos newLine newCol 
    where onStart = pos == 0 
     newPos = clipLow (pos - 1) 0 
     newLine = if onNewline buf newPos && not onStart 
        then line - 1 
        else line 
     newCol = lineOffset buf newPos 

-- More movement functions follow... 





type Line = T.Text 

data BufferContext = BufferContext { 
    before :: [Line], 
    at  :: Line, 
    after :: [Line] 
} deriving (Eq, Show) 

moveCursorRight :: Cursor -> Cursor 
moveCursorRight [email protected](Cursor pos line col [email protected](BufferContext before at after)) 
    | col >= T.length at = moveCursorDown c 
    | otherwise   = Cursor (pos+1) line (col+1) bc 

moveCursorLeft :: Cursor -> Cursor 
moveCursorLeft [email protected](Cursor pos line col [email protected](BufferContext before at after)) 
    | col <= 0 = upCursor { column = if null before then 0 else T.length $ head before } 
    | otherwise = Cursor (pos-1) line (col-1) bc 
    where upCursor = moveCursorUp c 

moveCursorDown :: Cursor -> Cursor 
moveCursorDown [email protected](Cursor _ _ _ (BufferContext _ _ [])) = c 
moveCursorDown [email protected](Cursor _ cLine _ (BufferContext before at (l:ls))) = 
    c { line = cLine+1, 
     column = 0, 
     context = BufferContext (at:before) l ls 

moveCursorUp [email protected](Cursor _ _ _ (BufferContext [] _ _)) = c 
moveCursorUp [email protected](Cursor _ cLine _ (BufferContext (l:ls) at after)) = 
    c { line = cLine-1, 
     column = 0, 
     context = BufferContext ls l (at:after) 



data BufferContext = BufferContext { 
    before :: T.Text, 
    at  :: Char, 
    after :: T.Text 
} deriving (Eq, Show) 

但這並不能幫助太多,因爲「在」必須「之前」與consed,並根據該文件,T.cons是O( n)...而且,當實際顯示完成時,以線爲中心的方法更好。



您可能想要使用[Zipper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zipper_\(data_structure \))來表示您的當前位置,將緩衝區表示爲行列表。對於Agda中的指導示例(您可以在Haskell中複製相當多的工作),您可以查看[本練習](https://github.com/pigworker/CS410-14/blob/master/Ex5 /編輯。Agda) – gallais


另請參見:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4046246/how-are-text-editors-generally-implemented。有一種方法可以將'findIndex'加速到O(n),但之後仍然使用索引位置,所以從長遠來看它並不能真正幫助你。 – Zeta


如果你需要跳過,你應該使用'Data.Sequence'從* list * zipper切換到* sequence * zipper。 '數據拉鍊a =拉鍊(seq a)a(seq a)'或類似的。與列表拉鍊不同,您可以保持一切順序,因爲結束的速度與開始時一樣快。你可以在'O(log n)'時間內移動'n'個步驟。 – dfeuer




type Line = T.Text 

data TextZipper = TextZipper { 
    textBefore :: [Line], 
    currentLine :: Line, 
    textAfter :: [Line] 


moveDown :: TextZipper -> Maybe TextZipper 
moveDown tzip = case textAfter tzip of 
    [] -> Nothing -- Already at the bottom of the file. 
    t:ts -> TextZipper { 
     textBefore = currentLine tzip : textBefore tzip, 
     currentLine = t, 
     textAfter = ts 

