sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.testapp.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
20/03/17 7:15:25.239 PM Test[50]: Untrusted apps are not allowed to connect to Window Server before login.
20/03/17 7:15:25.239 PM Test[50]: Set a breakpoint at CGSLogError to catch errors as they are logged.
20/03/17 7:15:25.239 PM Test[50]: On-demand launch of the Window Server is allowed for root user only.
20/03/17 7:15:25.239 PM Test[50]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
20/03/17 7:15:25.239 PM Test[50]: On-demand launch of the Window Server is allowed for root user only.
20/03/17 7:15:25.239 PM Test[50]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
20/03/17 7:15:25.239 PM Test[50]: This user is not allowed access to the window system right now.
20/03/17 7:15:34.721 PM Test[50]: RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
20/03/17 7:15:34.732 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
20/03/17 7:15:34.732 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
20/03/17 7:15:34.735 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
20/03/17 7:15:34.735 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
20/03/17 7:15:34.735 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
20/03/17 7:15:34.736 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
20/03/17 7:15:34.736 PM Test[50]: Invalid Connection ID 0
20/03/17 7:15:34.970 PM Test[50]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
20/03/17 7:15:34.970 PM Test[50]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
20/03/17 7:15:34.970 PM Test[50]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
20/03/17 7:15:34.972 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
20/03/17 7:15:34.972 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
20/03/17 7:15:34.972 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
20/03/17 7:15:34.976 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
20/03/17 7:15:34.977 PM Test[50]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
sudo launchctl list | grep testapp
2017-03-27 18:04:34.841 Test[802:16596] Application Started...
2017-03-27 18:04:34.896 Test[802:16596] argc : 1
2017-03-27 18:04:35.123 Test[802:16596] applicationWillFinishLaunching...
2017-03-27 18:04:35.145 Test[802:16596] CFPasteboardRef CFPasteboardCreate(CFAllocatorRef, CFStringRef) : failed to create global data
2017-03-27 18:04:35.146 Test[802:16596] CFPasteboardRef CFPasteboardCreate(CFAllocatorRef, CFStringRef) : failed to create global data
2017-03-27 18:04:35.147 Test[802:16596] CFPasteboardRef CFPasteboardCreate(CFAllocatorRef, CFStringRef) : failed to create global data
2017-03-27 18:04:35.148 Test[802:16596] CFPasteboardRef CFPasteboardCreate(CFAllocatorRef, CFStringRef) : failed to create global data
2017-03-27 18:04:35.224 Test[802:16596] applicationDidFinishLaunching...
2017-03-27 18:04:35.238 Test[802:16596] applicationDidChangeOcclusionState...
2017-03-27 18:04:35.253 Test[802:16596] applicationDidChangeOcclusionState...
2017-03-27 18:05:13.000 Test[820:17234] Application Started...
2017-03-27 18:05:13.072 Test[820:17234] argc : 1
2017-03-27 18:06:09.566 Test[92:505] Application Started...
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
2017-03-27 18:06:17.845 Test[92:505] argc : 1
2017-03-27 18:06:18.254 Test[92:505] applicationWillFinishLaunching...
2017-03-27 18:06:18.299 Test[92:505] CFPasteboardRef CFPasteboardCreate(CFAllocatorRef, CFStringRef) : failed to create global data
2017-03-27 18:06:18.300 Test[92:505] CFPasteboardRef CFPasteboardCreate(CFAllocatorRef, CFStringRef) : failed to create global data
2017-03-27 18:06:18.300 Test[92:505] CFPasteboardRef CFPasteboardCreate(CFAllocatorRef, CFStringRef) : failed to create global data
2017-03-27 18:06:18.302 Test[92:505] CFPasteboardRef CFPasteboardCreate(CFAllocatorRef, CFStringRef) : failed to create global data
2017-03-27 18:06:22.918 Test[92:505] In -[NSApplication(NSQuietSafeQuit) _updateCanQuitQuietlyAndSafely], _LSSetApplicationInformationItem(NSCanQuitQuietlyAndSafely) returned error -600
感謝和抱歉,但請你詳細說明一樣嗎?另外,我正在使用守護進程plist的stdout日誌更新我的問題。 –
@ Akshada-Systematix:看看我的更新是否有幫助。你的應用程序實際上做了什麼?它需要以root身份運行嗎?是否需要爲系統的每個用戶運行?啓動應用程序的最佳方法取決於這些問題的答案。 – mklement0
我的應用程序的目的是在後臺運行軌道位置,它應該是不管任何用戶將我引向launchdaemon。該應用將被隱藏,並且不會被用戶看到。同樣,我從應用程序的「MainMenu.xib」中刪除了「窗口」和「主菜單」。也添加下面的行來隱藏我的應用程序。 ProcessSerialNumber psn = {0,kCurrentProcess}; TransformProcessType(&psn,kProcessTransformToBackgroundApplication); 要隱藏我也試過, LSUIElement 請幫忙。 –