我是新來的pddl。我需要找到解決方案,機器人可以在不同的目標單元中放置不同的對象。我使用的軟件來自http://www.fast-downward.org/。但是,問題在於我的操作無法根據需要找到解決方案。 限制是即使機器人攜帶物體,也不能有2個物體在同一個房間內。 附:域文件:找不到機器人路徑查找的解決方案
(define (domain gripper-strips)
(:predicates (ROOM ?x) ;iff x is a room
(OBJECT ?x) ;iff x is an onject
(HAND ?x) ;iff x is the robot's hand
(FREE ?x) ;iff x is the robot's hand and it is free of object
(ROBOT-AT ?x) ;iff x is a room and robot is located in x
(OBJECT-AT ?x ?y) ;iff x is an object + y is a room and x is located at y
(PATH ?x ?y) ;iff x and y are both room and there is no wall in-between
(CARRY ?x) ;iff x is an object and robot is carrying it
(:action MoveWithoutObject
:parameters (?room1 ?room2 ?hand)
:precondition (and (ROOM ?room1) (ROOM ?room1) (HAND ?hand) (not(=?room1 ?room2))
(FREE ?hand) (ROBOT-AT ?room1) (PATH ?room1 ?room2))
:effect (and (ROBOT-AT ?room2)
(not (ROBOT-AT ?room1)))
(:action MoveWithObject
:parameters (?room1 ?room2 ?obj ?hand)
:precondition (and (ROOM ?room1) (ROOM ?room2) (OBJECT ?obj) (HAND ?hand) (not(=?room1 ?room2))
(not (OBJECT-AT ?obj ?room1)) (not (OBJECT-AT ?obj ?room2))
(ROBOT-AT ?room1) (not(FREE ?hand))
(PATH ?room1 ?room2))
:effect (and (ROBOT-AT ?room2)
(not (ROBOT-AT ?room1)))
(:action Pickup
:parameters (?obj ?room ?hand)
:precondition (and (OBJECT ?obj) (ROOM ?room) (HAND ?hand)
(OBJECT-AT ?obj ?room) (ROBOT-AT ?room) (FREE ?hand) (not(CARRY ?obj)))
:effect (and (CARRY ?obj) (not (OBJECT-AT ?obj ?room)) (not (FREE ?hand)))
(:action Release
:parameters (?obj ?room ?hand)
:precondition (and (OBJECT ?obj) (ROOM ?room) (HAND ?hand)
(not(OBJECT-AT ?obj ?room)) (ROBOT-AT ?room) (not(FREE ?hand)) (CARRY ?obj))
:effect (and (OBJECT-AT ?obj ?room)
(not(CARRY ?obj))
(FREE ?hand))))
(define (problem strips-gripper-x-8)
(:domain gripper-strips)
(:objects room1 room2 room3 room4 room5 room6 room7 room8 room9
object1 object2 object3
(:init (ROOM room1)(ROOM room2)(ROOM room3)(ROOM room4)(ROOM room5)(ROOM room6)(ROOM room7)(ROOM room8)(ROOM room9)
(OBJECT object1)(OBJECT objec21)(OBJECT object3)
(HAND hand)
(FREE hand)
(ROBOT-AT room1)
(OBJECT-AT object1 room6)(OBJECT-AT object2 room4)(OBJECT-AT object3 room7)
(PATH room1 room4)(PATH room4 room1)
(PATH room4 room5)(PATH room5 room4)
(PATH room5 room6)(PATH room6 room5)
(PATH room5 room8)(PATH room8 room5)
(PATH room6 room9)(PATH room9 room6)
(PATH room6 room3)(PATH room3 room6)
(PATH room3 room2)(PATH room2 room3)
(PATH room8 room7)(PATH room7 room8))
(:goal (and (OBJECT-AT object1 room7)(OBJECT-AT object2 room2)(OBJECT-AT object3 room9))))
http://www.fast-downward.org/IpcPlanners –