代碼來檢查該文件中的整數應該是1 < = N < = 5。如何讀取C文本文件中的字母?
我該怎麼做? 我想代碼放置fscanf
FILE * fp; //declare fp as a "fopen" command.
fp = fopen ("xxx.txt", "r"); // opening the file "xxx.txt"
if (fp == NULL) // error here if there was a problem!
printf("Opening 'xxx.txt file failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)); // No such file or directory
getchar(); // wait the user press a key
return 0; // returning an int of 0, exit the program
else // if everything works.....
fscanf(fp,"%d",&num); // here goes the fscanf() command
if(num<1 || num>5) // set restrictions to integer
printf("The number must be 1<= N <= 5",strerror(errno)); // error with the integer number
getchar(); // wait the user press a key
return 0; // returning an int of 0, exit the program
else // if everything works.....
// some code here
首先:檢查'scanf()'的返回值。 – pmg 2014-10-05 17:03:56
'fopen'和'fscanf'不是*代碼*,而是*庫函數*。你應該閱讀[fopen(3)]的文檔(http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/fopen.3.html)&[fscanf(3)](http://man7.org/ linux/man-pages/man3/fscanf.3.html) - 以及您正在使用的每個其他函數 - 並且您應該測試它們的返回值。另外,編譯所有警告和調試信息('gcc -Wall -g')並使用調試器('gdb') – 2014-10-05 17:04:01
您的文件包含什麼內容?它會有一些字符,然後是數字,然後是字符或數字嗎?問題不明確。 – Abhi 2014-10-05 17:05:16