An effective CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) countermeasure for forms is to
include a hidden field with a random value specific to the user's current session.
A form was detected that did not appear to contain an anti-CSRF token.
This form was tested for susceptibility to a CSRF attack and determined to be vulnerable.
我在管理頁面查詢; CSRF已經確定。
你正在運行的測試和django的版本是什麼? –
QUALYS Web應用程序漏洞掃描,Django版本是1.8.2 –
您需要提供更多詳細信息,因爲觸發錯誤的URL是什麼。不要在這裏發佈,而要發送一封包含所有詳細信息的電子郵件到'security @ djangoproject.com' –