的特定部分使用bing.com,我可以做這樣的搜索(點擊here的鏈接):如何限制Bing搜索API V5搜索網站
history site:berkeley.edu/about/
這是HTTP GET請求被天青
做這是我HTTP GET代碼
url: "https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v5.0/search"
, data: { "q":encodeURI("history+site:berkeley.edu/about/"), "count":"10", "offset":"0" }
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Environmental Design Library | UC Berkeley Library: A branch of the UC Berkeley Library system, the Environmental Design Library supports the research and teaching of the College of Environmental Design.
Proceedings Template - WORD - ideals.illinois.edu: "(c) ACM, 2007. This is the authors’ version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution.
Trends in metadata practices: A longitudinal study of ...: Trends in metadata practices: A longitudinal study of collection federation. ... A Longitudinal Study of Collection Federation Carole Palmer Oksana ...
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Arroyo High School: News Archive: News Archive SIA Awards "As the school year comes to a close, the Students in Action club would like to honor three students for their lasting impact on our ...
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The Big List -- 20121008 - Grolier: The Big List -- 20121008: 1: EA: http://www.stanford.edu/group/bipolar.clinic/ Stanford Bipolar Disorders Clinic: 2: EA: http://www.mhsource.com/bipolar/
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