2010-07-03 17 views

我有一個問題,爲什麼我在F#中得到某些結果。我有以下代碼...F# - 需要幫助的人解釋懶惰函數,爲什麼我得到了一定的結果

let lHelloWorld = lazy(printfn "Lazy Hello World"; 30+30) 
let aHelloWorld = (printfn "Active Hello World"; 30+30) 

printfn "lazy value is %d" lHelloWorld.Value 
printfn "lazy value is %d" lHelloWorld.Value 
printfn "active value is %d" aHelloWorld 
printfn "active value is %d" aHelloWorld 


Active Hello World 
Lazy Hello World 
lazy value is 60 
lazy value is 60 
active value is 60 
active value is 60 

什麼我不明白這是爲什麼?是主動打招呼世界printfn被前所示懶惰的你好詞?我希望在「Active Hello World」之前展示「Lazy Hello World」?






這裏有一篇文章解釋它。 http://weblogs.asp.net/podwysocki/archive/2008/03/21/adventures-in-f-f-101-part-6-lazy-evaluation.aspx



我本來以爲我會打電話給懶惰的功能力,它被稱爲? – 2010-07-03 05:10:00


那麼您正在請求該值,以便觸發變量中的延遲函數以運行並分配結果。由於第一個賦值被惰性包裝,所以基本上被忽略並且未被賦值。但第二個人打電話給打印,然後進行分配。當你第一次請求它時,懶惰的會被分配。 – spinon 2010-07-03 05:19:11


好吧..從我身邊的金髮時刻 - 出於某種原因,我認爲這些功能只有在需要時纔會被調用,並帶有副作用。 現在我們來看看IC#的術語,它似乎是爲了聲明它們而默認創建的「函數」 - 但是隻有在第一次使用它時纔會創建一個懶惰函數,而不管它的順序如何聲明。 – 2010-07-03 05:25:57



// Here we go... 
let lHelloWorld = lazy(printfn "Lazy Hello World"; 30+30) 
// Ok, we defined a value called lHelloWorld. The right hand side is 
// a lazy(...), so we don't evaluate the ..., we just store it in a 
// System.Lazy object and assign that value to lHelloWorld. 

let aHelloWorld = (printfn "Active Hello World"; 30+30) 
// Ok, we're defining a value called aHelloWorld. The right hand side is 
// a normal expression, so we evaluate it it right now. Which means we 
// print "Active Hello World", and then compute 30+30=60, and assign the 
// final result (60) to aHelloWorld. 

// Note that neither of the previous two entities are functions. 

// Now we have some effects: 
printfn "lazy value is %d" lHelloWorld.Value 
// Calling .Value on an object of type System.Lazy will either 
// - force the value if it has not yet been evaluated, or 
// - return the cached value if it was previously evaluated 
// Here we have not yet evaluated it, so we force the evaluation, 
// which prints "Lazy Hello World" and then computes 30+30=60, and then 
// stores the final 60 value in the lHelloWorld's cache. Having evaluated 
// the arguments to the printfn on this line of code, we can now call that 
// printfn, which prints "lazy value is 60". 

printfn "lazy value is %d" lHelloWorld.Value 
// This time, calling .Value just fetches the already-computed cached value, 
// 60, and so this just prints "lazy value is 60". 

printfn "active value is %d" aHelloWorld 
// aHelloWorld has type 'int'. Its value is 60. This is trivial, 
// it prints "active value is 60". 
printfn "active value is %d" aHelloWorld 
// Ditto. 

Brian ...謝謝!這真的幫助我瞭解訂單... – 2010-07-03 08:42:46
