2016-05-12 79 views


這裏的問題: PROBLEM



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      <h1>SHARE YOUR STORY</h1> 
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      <div class="row"> 
        <article class="managerfc"> 
         <h1 class="namerest">Submissions</h1> 
         <h2 class="desigrest">Manager - Fashion Column</h2> 
         <div class="inforest"> 
          <p>Hi! I'm Jaya, I love fashion and believe that there is no easier way to express yourself than through your clothes.</p> 
          <p>Clothes aren't only an expression of who you are but are also a very good medium to share a message with people you meet. Fashion, through its passing conformities, helps to bridge the greater transitions of the process of social change. Life isn't a dress rehearsal; it's the one and only life you've got.</p> 
        <article class="creativedesig"> 
         <h1 class="namerest">Social Feeds</h1> 
         <div class="inforest"> 
          <p>Hi I'm Anshul, I wish to spread love wherever I go. I do not believe in letting anyone come to me without leaving them a little bit happier. And that is why I have faith in Thrive- It has the power to spread love, happiness, hope... and magic.</p> 
       <h3>The Thrive Magazine. All Rights Reserved.</h3> 
       <h3>Site designed by Dhruv Agarwal, Rasik Raj and Kush Parmar.</h3> 
       <h3>Introductory movie by Jahanvi Chopra.</h3> 
       <h3>Photographs by Jatin Kumar Sawhney.</h3> 
       <div class="social"> 
        We are social 
        <a href="https://www.facebook.com/thethrivemag" target="_blank"><img src="../img/fb.png" alt="Social - Facebook"></a> 
        <a href="https://twitter.com/thethrive_mag?lang=en" target="_blank"><img src="../img/twitter.png" alt="Social - Twitter"></a> 
        <a href="https://instagram.com/thethrivemagazine/" target="_blank"><img src="../img/insta.png" alt="Social - Instagram"></a> 
        Reach us at:<br> 
        <u>[email protected]</u> 




ul由d具有padding EFAULT所以只是通過增加padding:0nav ul li ul



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     <li><a href="interview.html">Interview</a> 
    <li><a href="team.html">Team Thrive</a> 
    <li><a href="sexed.html">Sex-Ed Module</a> 
    <li><a href="forum.html">Share Your Story</a> 
<div class="arts"> 
    <div class="submission"> 
    <h1>SHARE YOUR STORY</h1> 
    <form action="submit.php" method="post"> 
     <label>Name :</label> 
     <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="optional"> 
     <br /> 
     <label>Title :</label> 
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     <br /> 
     <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> 
    <div class="row"> 
    <article class="managerfc"> 
     <h1 class="namerest">Submissions</h1> 
     <h2 class="desigrest">Manager - Fashion Column</h2> 
     <div class="inforest"> 
     <p>Hi! I'm Jaya, I love fashion and believe that there is no easier way to express yourself than through your clothes.</p> 
     <p>Clothes aren't only an expression of who you are but are also a very good medium to share a message with people you meet. Fashion, through its passing conformities, helps to bridge the greater transitions of the process of social change. Life 
      isn't a dress rehearsal; it's the one and only life you've got.</p> 
    <article class="creativedesig"> 
     <h1 class="namerest">Social Feeds</h1> 
     <div class="inforest"> 
     <p>Hi I'm Anshul, I wish to spread love wherever I go. I do not believe in letting anyone come to me without leaving them a little bit happier. And that is why I have faith in Thrive- It has the power to spread love, happiness, hope... and magic.</p> 
    <h3>The Thrive Magazine. All Rights Reserved.</h3> 
    <h3>Site designed by Dhruv Agarwal, Rasik Raj and Kush Parmar.</h3> 
    <h3>Introductory movie by Jahanvi Chopra.</h3> 
    <h3>Photographs by Jatin Kumar Sawhney.</h3> 
    <div class="social"> 
    We are social 
    <a href="https://www.facebook.com/thethrivemag" target="_blank"> 
     <img src="../img/fb.png" alt="Social - Facebook"> 
    <a href="https://twitter.com/thethrive_mag?lang=en" target="_blank"> 
     <img src="../img/twitter.png" alt="Social - Twitter"> 
    <a href="https://instagram.com/thethrivemagazine/" target="_blank"> 
     <img src="../img/insta.png" alt="Social - Instagram"> 
    <br>Reach us at: 
    <u>[email protected]</u> 


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