2013-03-27 59 views


到目前爲止,問題是具體到這次談話:Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now


<title>Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now | Video on TED.com</title> 
<span id="altHeadline" >Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now</span> 


λ> :m +Network.HTTP Text.Regex.PCRE 
λ> let uri = "http://www.ted.com/talks/francis_collins_we_need_better_drugs_now.html" 
λ> body <- (simpleHTTP $ getRequest uri) >>= getResponseBody 
λ> body =~ "<span id=\"altHeadline\" >(.+)</span>" :: [[String]] 
[["id=\"altHeadline\" >Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now</span>\n\t\t</h","s Collins: We need better drugs -- now</span"]] 
λ> body =~ "<title>(.+)</title>" :: [[String]] 
[["tle>Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now | Video on TED.com</title>\n<l","ncis Collins: We need better drugs -- now | Video on TED.com</t"]] 


λ> let body' = "<title>Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now | Video on TED.com</title>" 
λ> body' =~ "<title>(.+)</title>" :: [[String]] 
[["<title>Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now | Video on TED.com</title>","Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now | Video on TED.com"]] 


λ> import qualified Text.Regex.Posix as P 
λ> body P.=~ "<title>(.+)</title>" :: [[String]] 
[["<title>Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now | Video on TED.com</title>","Francis Collins: We need better drugs -- now | Video on TED.com"]] 

更改。+到。+? – 2013-03-27 11:56:25


@BenHanson同樣的結果。 – rnons 2013-03-27 12:02:20




{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} 
import   Data.Monoid   (mconcat) 
import   Network.HTTP.Conduit (simpleHttp) 
import   Text.HTML.DOM  (parseLBS) 
import   Text.XML.Cursor  (attributeIs, content, element, 
             fromDocument, ($//), (&//), (>=>)) 

main = do 
    lbs <- simpleHttp "http://www.ted.com/talks/francis_collins_we_need_better_drugs_now.html" 
    let doc = parseLBS lbs 
     cursor = fromDocument doc 
    print $ mconcat $ cursor $// element "title" &// content 
    print $ mconcat $ cursor $// element "span" >=> attributeIs "id" "altHeadline" &// content 

該代碼也可用active code on the School of Haskell


謝謝你的建議。我知道在haskell編程時,總是有多種方法來解決同一個問題。但作爲初學者,我僅僅滿足於工作代碼。我肯定會在重構時接受你的建議。 – rnons 2013-03-27 13:10:27


這不是Haskell特定的建議。使用正則表達式進行HTML/XML解析通常不是一個好主意。看看:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1732348/regex-match-open-tags-except-xhtml-self-contained-tags – 2013-03-27 14:09:22