2012-06-02 91 views


我正在通過Tim Isted撰寫的關於iOS中的Core Data的書,並且至今一直做得很好。我試圖追蹤新的viewController如何在下面使用第二個managedObjectContext - editingContext - 在保存之前捕獲文本字段中的更改。

- (void)setCurrentPerson:(AWPerson *)aPerson { 
     aPerson = [AWPerson randomPersonInManagedObjectContext:self.editingContext]; 
    else if([aPerson managedObjectContext] != self.editingContext) { 
     self.title = @"Edit person"; 
     aPerson = (id)[self.editingContext objectWithID:[aPerson objectID]]; 

此時: aPerson = (id)[self.editingContext objectWithID:[aPerson objectID]]; 當我打印的調試器aPerson說明我應該得到

<AWPerson: 0x6b5de70> (entity: Person; id: 0x6b5bb60 <x-coredata://A6EC85F2-81A8-488F-B2E3-F82687C252A2/Person/p1> ; data: { 
    dateOfBirth = "1973-11-03 12:53:58 +0000"; 
    eyeColor = "(...not nil..)"; 
    firstName = Peter; 
    lastName = Dickens; 
    yearOfBirth = 1973; 


<AWPerson: 0x6b609d0> (entity: Person; id: 0x6b5bb60 <x-coredata: 
//A6EC85F2-81A8-488F-B2E3-F82687C252A2/Person/p1> ; data: <fault>) 

我真的看不到發生了什麼事。 aPerson在行之前具有值之前,它們被替換。任何幫助將不勝感激。



謝謝Jody&Rog。你幫助我更好地理解錯誤,並通過這種方式工作。我仍然努力與具有objectWithId的線,但我會到達那裏。然而,今天我瞭解到強制/弱勢財產申報的重要性。我失去了viewWillLoad和viewDidLoad之間的值。在真正開始理解調試器的幾個小時之後,我追查到一個不正確的屬性聲明 - 提示很多自我厭惡:)這是我將在下次知道的一個。再次感謝,史蒂夫 – Steve





- (void)setCurrentPerson:(AWPerson *)aPerson { 
     // The aPerson object we were given is nil, so get one in the 
     // current editingContext. 
     aPerson = [AWPerson randomPersonInManagedObjectContext:self.editingContext]; 
    else if([aPerson managedObjectContext] != self.editingContext) { 
     // The aPerson object does not live in editingContext. However, apparently 
     // we want to make sure it lives in the editingContext. Remember, each managed 
     // that has been saved will have a permanent object-id. Any context can use 
     // the object-id to fetch an object into its own ManagedObjectContext. 
     self.title = @"Edit person"; 
     aPerson = (id)[self.editingContext objectWithID:[aPerson objectID]]; 

     // Now, aPerson will point to an object that lives in the MOC editingContext. 
     // However, if it was not previously registered in that MOC, it will be returned 
     // as a fault. This does not mean the object is not there, but this MOC has 
     // not loaded its data. As soon as you cal a method that needs the data, 
     // it will be faulted into memory. 

     // One way, is to access any of its properties. 
     NSLog(@"firstName = %@", [aPerson valueForKey:@"firstName"]); 

     // You can query an object to see if it is a fault. NO means it's 
     // not a fault, and the properties should all be in memory. YES, does not mean 
     // the data is NOT in memory though... it could be in a cache... 

     // You can manually fault the object into memory, but I would 
     // suggest you read all the documentation before using this, because it has 
     // side effects. Consider... 
     if ([aPerson isFault]) { 
      [self.editingContext refreshObject:aPerson mergeChanges:YES]; 

     // NOTE: In general, you just want the object management system itself 
     // to manage faults. However, if you really want to see that your objects 
     // are what they are supposed to be, you can do any of this to examine them. 


A fault是CoreData表示指向存儲中但尚未提取的對象的指針。



哦,我剛剛注意到@Jody Hagins已經在他的回答中指出了這一點。 – Rog