2013-10-24 44 views

我不能爲我的生活弄清楚爲什麼這個ajax調用會一直返回一個錯誤。 (我是新來的網絡世界,所以我猜我錯過了簡單的東西在這裏:S)Ajax調用總是從mvc動作返回錯誤,即使它工作正常


$(function() { 
      placeholder: 'Select a tag...', 
      multiple: true, 
      ajax: { 
       url: '@Url.Action("SearchTags", "UnitDetails")', 
       dataType: 'json', 
       data: function (term, page) { 
        return { 
         searchTerm: term 
       results: function (data, page) { 
        return { results: data }; 
      createSearchChoice: function (term) { 
       return {id: term, text: term}; 
     }).on("removed", function(e) { 
      var url = '@Url.Content("~/UnitDetails/UnTagUnit/" + Model.ViewUnitContract.Id)'; 
      var id = e.val; 
      var tagName = e.choice.text; 
      console.log(id + " : " + tagName); 

       url: url, 
       data: { selectedItem: tagName }, 
       type: 'GET', 
       dataType: 'json', 
       success: function() { 
        toastr.options = { 
         "closeButton": true, 
         "debug": false, 
         "positionClass": "toast-top-right", 
         "onclick": null, 
         "showDuration": "300", 
         "hideDuration": "1000", 
         "timeOut": "3000", 
         "extendedTimeOut": "1000", 
         "showEasing": "swing", 
         "hideEasing": "linear", 
         "showMethod": "fadeIn", 
         "hideMethod": "fadeOut" 
        toastr.success("Tag deleted from unit.", "Success!"); 
       error: function() { 
        toastr.options = { 
         "closeButton": true, 
         "debug": false, 
         "positionClass": "toast-top-right", 
         "onclick": null, 
         "showDuration": "300", 
         "hideDuration": "1000", 
         "timeOut": "3000", 
         "extendedTimeOut": "1000", 
         "showEasing": "swing", 
         "hideEasing": "linear", 
         "showMethod": "fadeIn", 
         "hideMethod": "fadeOut" 
        toastr.error("Could not delete tag from unit.", "Oops!"); 

在我的控制器中,UnTagUnit(int id, string selectedItem)看起來是這樣的:

public JsonResult UnTagUnit(int id, string selectedItem) 
     UnitClient.UnTagUnit(id, selectedItem); 

     // what to return if success? 
    catch (Exception e) 
     // Log and handle 
     // what to return if error? 

如前所述,該方法正常工作,我的意思是完成UnTagUnit(id, selectedItem)部分成功(wcf服務)。

所以,我想我要麼錯過了某些東西,要麼做了根本性的錯誤。還嘗試了不同的方法sucs返回new Json(new { success = true})



需要,因爲你正在使用GET方法在你的行動,使用return JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

public JsonResult UnTagUnit(int id, string selectedItem) 
     UnitClient.UnTagUnit(id, selectedItem); 

     // what to return if success? 
     return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet) 
    catch (Exception e) 
     // Log and handle 
     // what to return if error? 
     //you can throw error here .. 
     throw ("Un tag failed "+e.Message); 
     ///or return it as a message 
     return Json(new { success = false,message="Un tag failed "+e.Message} , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet) 

謝謝你,這麼多! :) –
