2015-04-23 149 views

我有一個包含多個csv文件的文件夾。每個文件都由一個日期和一個值列組成。我想合併所有的文件到第一列由數值日期(每個文件相同)和其他列由每個單獨的邪惡值(即日期,value_file1,value_file2 ... )加入多個CSV文件




可能重複http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11786094/python-joining-two-csv-工具文件) –


第二個文件的列只是附加到第一個的列。我希望第二個文件的列放置在合併文件的新列中,而不是附加到當前列。 – user3551674


這並不完全清楚 - 你能更清楚地解釋輸入的csv文件是什麼樣子嗎?日期在哪裏/何時相同? – StackG



我建議使用像csvkit's csvjoin

pip install csvkit 
$ csvjoin --help 
usage: csvjoin [-h] [-d DELIMITER] [-t] [-q QUOTECHAR] [-u {0,1,2,3}] [-b] 
       [-p ESCAPECHAR] [-z MAXFIELDSIZE] [-e ENCODING] [-S] [-v] [-l] 
       [--zero] [-c COLUMNS] [--outer] [--left] [--right] 
       [FILE [FILE ...]] 

Execute a SQL-like join to merge CSV files on a specified column or columns. 

positional arguments: 
    FILE     The CSV files to operate on. If only one is specified, 
         it will be copied to STDOUT. 

optional arguments: 
    -h, --help   show this help message and exit 
    -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER 
         Delimiting character of the input CSV file. 
    -t, --tabs   Specifies that the input CSV file is delimited with 
         tabs. Overrides "-d". 
    -q QUOTECHAR, --quotechar QUOTECHAR 
         Character used to quote strings in the input CSV file. 
    -u {0,1,2,3}, --quoting {0,1,2,3} 
         Quoting style used in the input CSV file. 0 = Quote 
         Minimal, 1 = Quote All, 2 = Quote Non-numeric, 3 = 
         Quote None. 
    -b, --doublequote  Whether or not double quotes are doubled in the input 
         CSV file. 
    -p ESCAPECHAR, --escapechar ESCAPECHAR 
         Character used to escape the delimiter if --quoting 3 
         ("Quote None") is specified and to escape the 
         QUOTECHAR if --doublequote is not specified. 
    -z MAXFIELDSIZE, --maxfieldsize MAXFIELDSIZE 
         Maximum length of a single field in the input CSV 
    -e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING 
         Specify the encoding the input CSV file. 
    -S, --skipinitialspace 
         Ignore whitespace immediately following the delimiter. 
    -v, --verbose   Print detailed tracebacks when errors occur. 
    -l, --linenumbers  Insert a column of line numbers at the front of the 
         output. Useful when piping to grep or as a simple 
         primary key. 
    --zero    When interpreting or displaying column numbers, use 
         zero-based numbering instead of the default 1-based 
    -c COLUMNS, --columns COLUMNS 
         The column name(s) on which to join. Should be either 
         one name (or index) or a comma-separated list with one 
         name (or index) for each file, in the same order that 
         the files were specified. May also be left 
         unspecified, in which case the two files will be 
         joined sequentially without performing any matching. 
    --outer    Perform a full outer join, rather than the default 
         inner join. 
    --left    Perform a left outer join, rather than the default 
         inner join. If more than two files are provided this 
         will be executed as a sequence of left outer joins, 
         starting at the left. 
    --right    Perform a right outer join, rather than the default 
         inner join. If more than two files are provided this 
         will be executed as a sequence of right outer joins, 
         starting at the right. 

Note that the join operation requires reading all files into memory. Don't try 
this on very large files. 

非常感謝!這正是我期待的! – user3551674