<title>SOME TITLE</title>
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if (! $('input:checkbox')[0].checked){
alert('Please check the box to agree with the terms and conditions.');
return false;
<div id="message-trigger" style="display: visible;">
<p>Now that you completed the required steps you may proceed by agreeing and submitting payment.</p>
<form id="my_form" method="post" action="">
<input name="confirmtandc" type="checkbox" value="agree"> Please check to verify that you've read and agree with <a href="portal/24/content/tandc.pdf" target="_blank">CMCI terms and conditions</a>.
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Proceed to Payment" />
因爲'$('form#my_form')'不會在腳本實例化時指向任何元素。 DOM尚未準備就緒... – War10ck
文檔準備就緒,duh。謝謝@ War10ck。 – user3251618