我正在使用php文件,並試圖一次性上載多個圖像,並輸入[type = files]。問題是我將一堆圖像上傳到一個由php方法mkdir()動態創建的文件夾中。並在每次提交時,我想要一個新的文件夾,以相同的名稱「文件」增加一個數字。例如,在第一次提交表單時,文件名將是.../file1,第二次提交它將是.../file2等等。我寫到目前爲止的代碼工作正常,但價值沒有動態增加,並向我顯示該目錄已存在的錯誤。以下是我的代碼。如果您檢查代碼,目錄文件夾是(files/file。$ a),其中$ a = 1;然後在最後一行加上$ a ++;但它仍然只是做一個文件夾,先提交併不會增加在第二提交等..php多個文件上傳到動態製作的目錄
if (isset($_POST["upl-submit"])) {
$a = 1;
$makeFolder = "files/file".$a; //Files Inside Directory
//Save The images in the folder
if (isset($_FILES["prImgs"])) {
$imgName = $_FILES["prImgs"]["name"];
$imgType = $_FILES["prImgs"]["type"];
$imgSize = $_FILES["prImgs"]["size"];
$imgTemp = $_FILES["prImgs"]["tmp_name"];
$imgErr = $_FILES["prImgs"]["error"];
$pathsArr = array();
$all_ext = array("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($imgName); $i++) {
$ext = explode(".", $imgName[$i]); //To get the extensions of all files
if (in_array(end($ext), $all_ext)) { //To check if the extensions meet the allowed ones or not
$newName = "img".($i + 1).
".".end($ext); //New name selected
$totPath = $makeFolder.
$pathsArr[]. = $totPath;
if (move_uploaded_file($imgTemp[$i], $totPath)) {
echo "<script>console.log('Uploaded');</script>";
} else {
echo "<script>console.log('File Uploading Error');</script>";
} else {
echo "<script> alert('Unaccepted Format'); </script>";
//Save the pdf in the same folder
if (isset($_FILES["prPdf"])) {
$pdfName = $_FILES["prPdf"]["name"];
$pdfType = $_FILES["prPdf"]["type"];
$pdfSize = $_FILES["prPdf"]["size"];
$pdfTemp = $_FILES["prPdf"]["tmp_name"];
$pdfErr = $_FILES["prPdf"]["error"];
$pdf_ext = "pdf";
$pdfExt = explode(".", $pdfName); //To get the extension of the pdf file
if (end($pdfExt) == $pdf_ext) {
$pdfNew = "pdfFile".
".".end($pdfExt); //New name selected
$totPdfPath = $makeFolder.
$pdfPath = $totPdfPath;
if (move_uploaded_file($pdfTemp, $totPdfPath)) {
echo "<script>console.log('pdf Uploaded');</script>";
} else {
echo "<script>console.log('pdf Uploading Error');</script>";
} else {
echo "<script> alert('Unaccepted Format'); </script>";
謝謝你,php cookie爲我工作:) –