2013-04-12 67 views



它在軌道上紅寶石應用程序我試圖測試,運行在WEBrick上。 這裏的所有代碼:

var casper = require('casper').create({ 
    clientScripts: ['jquery-1.9.1.min.js'] 

//make sure page loads 
casper.start('', function() { 
    this.test.assertTitle('EZpub', 'EZpub not loaded'); 

//make sure all 3 fridges are displayed 
casper.then(function() { 
    //get fridges 
    var fridges = $('a[href^="/fridges/"]'); 
    this.test.assert(fridges.length == 3, 'More or less than 3 fridge links shown'); 

casper.run(function() { 
    this.echo('Tests complete'); 




Note The concept behind this method is probably the most difficult to understand when discovering CasperJS. As a reminder, think of the evaluate() method as a gate between the CasperJS environment and the one of the page you have opened; everytime you pass a closure to evaluate(), you're entering the page and execute code as if you were using the browser console.

casper.then(function() { 
    var fridges = casper.evaluate(function(){ 
     // In here, the context of execution (global) is the same 
     // as if you were at the console for the loaded page 
     return $('a[href^="/fridges/"]'); 
    this.test.assert(fridges.length == 3, 'More or less than 3 fridge links shown'); 


casper.then(function() { 
    var fridgeCount = casper.evaluate(function(){ 
     // In here, the context of execution (global) is the same 
     // as if you were at the console for the loaded page 
     return $('a[href^="/fridges/"]').length; 
    this.test.assert(fridgeCount === 3, 'More or less than 3 fridge links shown'); 

我不認爲這是問題所在。如果我不正確地拼寫路徑,我得到的錯誤:失敗注入jquey-1.9.1.min.js客戶端,我沒有得到當前的代碼。 – Cailen


@ Cailen,提出一個新的答案 –


謝謝!將其包含在evaluate()中是正確的方法。 – Cailen