2013-11-20 33 views

我已經通過一個精靈表寫了一個小功能循環。在函數中,我有一個settimeout循環遍歷幀。在最後一幀時,超時被清除,計數器被設置爲零 - 並且動畫再次開始。的Javascript setTimeout的範圍引用錯誤的變量

這對一個動畫效果很好,但是當我嘗試並調用很多動畫時 - 它們都開始但是無法循環,除了designSprite,它很快樂地循環。我打電話給designSprite anim last ....

所以我猜這個問題是由於變量被覆蓋,當我調用一個新的功能實例 - setTimeOut引用新變量?我迷惑了自己。我試圖修復它,但仍然失敗。

感謝, 羅布

// Arrays to hold our sprite coordinates. 
var animationSprite=[{"X":"-2","Y":"-2"},........ etc etc ]; 
var mediaSprite=[{"X":"-2","Y":"-2"},........ etc etc ]; 
var filmSprite=[{"X":"-2","Y":"-2"},........ etc etc ]; 
var designSprite=[{"X":"-2","Y":"-2"},........ etc etc ]; 

// call the loopAnim function, passing in the sprite array, and id of the div 
loopAnim(animationSprite ,'#animationFrame') 
loopAnim(mediaSprite ,'#mediaFrame') 
loopAnim(filmSprite ,'#filmFrame') 
loopAnim(designSprite ,'#designFrame') 

function loopAnim(sprite , frameID) { 

    var totalFrames = sprite.length; // count how many 'frames' are in our sprites array. 
    var count = 0; // set up a basic counter to count which frame we're on. 
    var theLoop = function(){ 
     // Move the background position of our frame by reading the X & Y co-ordinates from the sprites array. 
     $(frameID).css("background-position" , sprite[count].X + "px " + sprite[count].Y + "px"); 
     count++; // increment the frame by 1 on each loop 

     // if count is LESS than total number of frames, set a timeout to keep running the "theLoop" function    
     if (count < totalFrames){ 
      setAnim = setTimeout(theLoop, 60); 
     // if count is greater than the total number of frames - clear our timeout. Reset the counter back to zero, and then run our loop function again 
     } else { 
      count = 0; 





我是個白癡......我剛剛浪費了一個小時的最好的部分試圖捉摸,一出... ARRGGGHHH!感謝您的幫助:) – Rob


@Rob JavaScript編程的樂趣:)一個建議:我強烈建議在代碼中使用「use strict」。它有助於捕捉像這樣的東西。 – tsherif